Jun 01, 2009 16:39
Cant really be as faithful as i should be with this.
so ill just get into the vague stuff and leave the particulars for when i have more time.
seeing someone new, not exactly excited it just feels..nice.
less alone i guess. i like it.
im still on the job trekk after missing two interviews...:(
i applied...for foodstamps today
and will be hitting medicaid shortly
i will apply for a few more jobs, snacth the id and possibly come up with some plan of cohesive action for my moving out by mid-summer....
here is me.
racing to that finish line to freedom
lets hope..
I get there
btw, i missed my period by a week.
i havent fucked anyone/anything except for a vibrator for 6 months or so, so I cant possibly be pregnant.
Any thoughts what it could be?
stress usually doesnt throw me off..