My day so far

Jan 15, 2009 09:31

0230: Daniel wakes up and wants milk. Fair enough.
0400: Daniel fast asleep, me still wide awake. Decide to read a book for a bit
0440: Paper cut
0500: Get into bed and actually fall asleep
0600: Joshua climbs into bed with us and wriggles constantly
0630: Banish Josh to his own bed
0632: Daniel awake: we ignore him
0640: Alarm clock (snooze)
0655: Alarm clock (snooze)
0657: Daniel announces "poo"
0658: Arrive to discover that Dan is sitting, sans nappy, on the bed, surrounded by poo.
0700: Alarm clock
0705: Wash Daniel
0720: Michelle cleans poo out of bath. I get Dan dressed.
0730: Grab quick shower.... except M's used all the hot water cleaning the bath.
0740: Dress Joshua
0800: Down stairs. Vacuum living room.
0820: Mop kitchen floor (getting detergent in paper cut).
0840: Get outside: neighbour asks for a jump-start
0855: Conclude that the jump leads are well and truly lost and apologise to neighbour
0920: Arrive at work

Of course, there's no petrol in the car now.

Something tells me it's going to be One Of Those Days
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