Feb 26, 2007 19:04
Starting off, because I haven't been on here in a while, I got a new job as a receptionist. However, since it's only part-time I get to keep my daycare job as well! yay!!! =) I am behind in school because I never feel like doing my homework. Sable's wedding is exactly two weeks, three days, and fifteen hours away. That gives me a week and a half to learn the song she wants Michael and I to sing during the lighting of the unity candle. There is no possible way on earth it's gonna happen.
I have come to the official conclusion that I will continue to be unhappy unless I stop taking for granted what I already have, stop moping around, and appreciate myself for the positive characteristics I posess. Self-confidence, or lack thereof, is my downfall. I can tell myself that I am going to be fun and make new friends, but when I get out into the scene those words fly right out of my head and I dive for the wall, trying to blend in to a corner somewhere where no one will notice how odd I am. I will stop doing that. I will go hang out with people other than Michael...and Sable/Tim (Im putting them together because very rarely do I ever hang out with just Sable...Tim is usually nearby-a perk of being engaged). I will be confident in my abilities, and in myself in general. whew...that was a stinkin' awesome peptalk.
I have come to the conclusion that I am somewhat of a snoop. And then when I have finished snooping, I am overwhelmed by the information I uncover. I am so stupid! Why do I have to be so nosy!!!! If I wasn't so nosy I wouldn't be in this prediciment: with no one to talk to and no one who really understands to back me up!!! Anyway, I suppose that since I got myself into this mess I should do the gruntwork in getting myself out. I probably should go too...Michael is waiting at the house for me and I haven't told him that I am still at the comp lab...my bad~