My holidays, or what's left of it, are turning out pretty well :). I seem to have this mountain of energy and I'm just restless all the time, I feel like a kid again.
Today, I called up Vance in the afternoon and started making weird noises and shouting and screaming into the phone. He didn't have any strange reactions to my strange behavior, so I'm starting to wonder if it's not that strange to him anymore which also = me behaving weirdly too often that it becomes almost normal to Vance. SHIAT.
THIS out
Anyone interested? :)
I love Marion Cotillard. AND OHMYWERDDDD. Jason Mraz is coming down for Singfest! Sunday's line up is awesome. Jamie Scott!
$200 bucks for sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Mygosh.
But i did say i'd do anything to watch Jason Mraz in concert and he's probably going to be so damn awesome my Mr a-z
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dannnggggggggwhattodosomuchmoneytopay
To go, or not-to-go-and-forever-regret-until-or-if-jason-mraz-ever-comes-to-singapore
AH hard choice dang it i wish i had mounds of cash NOW
Foo Yu Xiang, I was being terribly narcissistic just now and i googled my name. and all these track and field results came out and I actually (cannot believe I'm saying this) miss being on the track and racing. That whole thing you feel when you adjust the starting blocks and just try and focus while you hearts beating out of control and you try to drown out all the noise. And then just before the gun goes off, your heart sort of stops for a moment.
And i remember every single time i ran the 400m, after each 100m down i had a different through in mind. Bend straight bend straight finishline :) I remember the first 50m being like total freedom exactly like a spring right out of that starting block, but yet that control not to push yourself too far too fast. and the last 50m being total hell, with your legs dragging you down the lactic acid (i remember very clearly and distinctly about what Mr Lin said about butts and lactic acid and 400m runners :) ). and the relief form just crossing the finish line.
and the burning sensation in my lungs and throat
and the excitement from finding out our timings (most of the time it was excitement but i do remember the dreadful times when you just know you've ran a horrible race)
and i really do miss racing. After so long, and swearing that I would never ever like running competitively. I so miss it. and i miss the team.
[edit 10.43pm]
I really have this super strong urge to just book a plane ticket to Thailand and fly away. I want to travel, and see something new.
i packed my cupboard this evening and boyohboy three huge bags of clothes to sell/give/throw away. I have created so much cupboard space it's amazing. I am such a hoarder, it's disgusting. This is one more reason why i should NOT shop and i am glad that i did not succumb to tempting sales. :) I need to use more clothes, quit with the basics for a while because i keep wearing the same things over and over again like staplewear but i have so many other things to wear.
BTW ANYONE INTERESTED IN BUYING POLAROID 600 FILM? I'm thinking of buying in bulk from ebay and selling off the excess that I cannot afford. :) It'sgoing to be cheaper than buying it 25-30 bucks off from stores outside ;)