(no subject)

Dec 27, 2004 19:32

One of the very, very few advantages of being this bored and trapped in the house with parents is that I've ended up looking at books. And found "Sexual Deviation" by Anthony Storr, published by Pelican in 1964, this copy the 1971 reprint. This was a book my mum used while at uni. I present some quotations:

The 'Female Homosexuality'chapter mentions the superfluity of females, so not every woman can get married, and finishes with "There is no doubt for women who, for whatever reason, have been unable to get married, a homosexual partnership may be a happier way of life than frustrated loneliness; but this is not to say that it can ever be fully satisfying."

"Those lesbians who protest that, for them, this kind of relationship is better than any possible intimacy with a man do not know what they are missing"

"The homosexual male, therefore, cannot make an erotic advance to a woman because he is frightened of her."

"The average man who has a wife to go home to has little idea of the depths of loneliness to which homosexuals can sink, or of the strength of the compulsive urge for sexual contact which drives them."

"Women have to be put in their proper place before a man feels strong enough to deal with them; and the exaltation of his own sex combined with the denigration of the opposite sex is part of the process by which a boy emancipates himself from his mother and learns to take his place in the world of men."

My personal favourite:"A boy of nineteen or twenty who has had an active homosexual career at school and is worried that he might remain homosexual rather than progress to involvement with girls will be well advised not to enter the Navy"

There is a chapter headed "Exhibitionism, Frotteurism, Voyeurism, Buggery", to which one can only go '...dude'.

The book advocates a legalisation of homosexuality (while at the same time still searching for a 'cure'), which for the time must have made the book pretty liberal. I wonder what the less liberal textbooks of the time were like?


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