I bought this fairly randomly from a
recommendation on a blog I like, Friendly Atheist. So first off: beware book recs from Friendly Atheist. Second: any book that claims to 'disprove' Christianity and then says that it's only going to use the KJV because most denominations use it is pants. You can't disprove all of Christianity on the basis of what's recognised as a fairly shaky (though nicely literary) translation. Ok, you can say something about those denominations that rely heavily on the KJV, but not all of Christianity. Epic biblical scholarship fail.
But what's the worst thing is the author's total addiction to italics. Every second sentence has at least one word in italics. The author doesn't believe that anyone could possibly deduce what was important without italicising the word. It feels like a creepy guy leaning into your face every time they want to emphasise something, simultaneously disturbing and really patronising.
Unlike most books I dislike, I'm not chucking this one. I'm keeping it because I don't think people will believe me about the italics, so I can show it to them.