What's the sound of one hand douching? Do you see the guy on the left in the white shirt? I'm pretty sure it sounds exactly like THAT GUY.
Thanks to some online smrts from
jklumpp, here's a picture of the douchebag who tried to intimidate his way past the two of us and into Consuite on Saturday night at her badging station. The one who tried to physically get me to flinch (who I nearly laughed at). The one who Jenni iscovered, upon calling the bridge, that had attempted to pull this little stunt before that night. The one who apparently harassed party volunteers. The one who probably picked the worst two badgers to try this on.
I am going to plaster this guy's face in flyer form across the hotel in 2010. I am not kidding. (CVG directors: you didn't read that.)
Also, group question: what's a good domain name to use? Sadly, www.thisguyisadouchebag.com is already taken -- I already checked. I would be happy to include pictures of other douchebags who harass our volunteers as well. I can call it a public service!