(no subject)

Feb 28, 2005 16:53

Back to work after a kick ass weekend with my BABY. Friday was awesome...a few gliches at Christine's welcome-back happy hour party, but nothing to complain about. We, and I hope that all in attandence had a good time. We also saw Constitine...it was alright. I got Christine the last two season of Sex and the City, so I have been watching that b/c I don't know how it all ended, except that Carrie ends up with Mr. Big.

I am happy the Happy Hour went well. I am starting to plan the next one for the end of MArch, begining of April. I think Christine and I are going to scout out a few places and then make the big decesion. I want a place with large CIRCLE tables, b/c I think the bad part of the last one was the long table...no one could talk to anyone other than the person next to them. Also, maybe a little less crowded. All in all, things that are easily corrected for the next one.

Christine cooked dinner last night. Ahhh...traditional Sunday dinner....ahhhh.....
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