Am happily hacking up a lung or two right now. I was already feeling a bit off last Friday, but I did something on Sunday that likely made it worse. No time now to go into detail, though
qaffangyrl can probably guess *wink*, but here's a clue from one of the photos I took on Sunday afternoon:
Other major news: I HAVE GIVEN UP ON NANO THIS YEAR. I've done my best to be as honest with myself as I can this year, and I have to face the fact that there's no way I'll get to 50k at this point, and stressing out over it isn't going to help, especially with my health right now.
NEVERTHELESS, I am ridiculously happy and dancing all over school, because
on Myspace and
on Facebook Favorite lyrics so far: "I was born with glitter on my face/ My baby clothes made of leather and lace/ And all the girls in the club wanna know/ Where did all their pretty boys go?" ('Sure Fire Winners')
I also recommend 'Strut' and the first single 'For Your Entertainment'. Haven't started on the ballads yet, but a lot of people like them too. OMG THE VARIETY. I feel that, whatever your musical taste is, there's bound to be at least one song you'll like. SO GO LISTEN NOW.