Title: First Touch
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Elrohir / Legolas
Prompt: 028 ("Under the shadow of bushes leaning out over the water they halted and drew breath.")
Word Count: 2, 035
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Legolas notices that something is changing in Greenwood, and Elrohir’s relationship with the prince rises to a new, most unexpected
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Comments 7
*giggles at Legolas' sudden desire to unstring his bow* The "What does your heart tell you"-part was sweet. :) I liked both the slow convergence and the sudden attraction between them (though Legolas seems to have felt it for a longer time). Quiet and sweet and makes you want to read more. *hint hint* I also liked the details about Mirkwood and the growing darkness. I'm looking forward to see what will happen next! ;-)
P.S. Dou you know Eresse's Elrohir/Legolas stories? I told you I read slash from time to time, and most of it were her stories. *g* As I saw the pairing in your story I immediately had to wonder if you read her stories, too. ;-)
OMG, I absolutely worship that woman! She's actually doing fanfic100 right now, which means more yumminess to come. She's on my flist, if you want to keep track of her latest stories ;-) Though she doesn't update very often.
Well, your fluff is just as good as your smut. ^_~ And yes, I recognized the line, lol.
Aw, thanks hun! *huggles*
and though I usually decline beta work
Then I am very honoured to have you wlling to beta my stuff :-) *hugs* Thank you very much for the offer, though Anorielle has kindly volounteered. It would be great to have more than one beta, though, as I love discussing stuff, and in my experience things go along faster if you're not just depending on one person. I don't want to take up too much of your time, though, so it's up to you how much you want to do. I have a semi-beta for one of my gen stories who just reads through a chapter and gives her honest response to it. It's very helpful, especially because those who focus on the technical details often overlook the overall feel of the piece as a whole.
Anyway, I hope you're still interested, just tell me how much you'd like to do. In any case, I am very grateful for the offer :-)
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