FIC: Susurrus (Brian/Justin; NC-17)

Jun 25, 2007 23:09

Title: Susurrus
Author: Etharei
Timeline: between 409-410
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Warning: spoilers up to 409
Disclaimer: Queer as Folk and all the characters and situations featured therein are the property of Showtime, Cowlip Productions and their affiliates. I’m only borrowing them for purely non-profit, recreational purposes, and promise to replenish the condom and lube supply when I’m done.
Summary: Most of the time, though, the days are just... days.
Author’s Notes: Written for tigbit in qaf-giftxchnge here, who requested
First Gift Request: fanfic
Genre: angst here, angst there, angst everywhere! :D
Pairing/character/theme/focus: a bit of B/J daily life during cancer!arc
Other specifications: No cheese, please. You can beat me over the head with sadness if you'd like, though. :D

( Susurrus )

This morning, I pressed the power button on my laptop, all ready for a day of writing, and got... nothing. Yes, my poor little laptop has gone kaputt. Aside from the light indicating that it's on, I'm not getting anything out of it. It looks like we're going to have to take it to a support center and have it fixed.

In the meantime, my dad's allowed me to use his laptop ♥ And luckily I'm a rather paranoid person, so I have most of my important (i.e. fanfic) files saved online and on my hard drive. So, yeah, no panicking. But, gosh, do I have a lot of typing to do in the next 12 hours :-P

qaf fanfiction

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