
Oct 22, 2010 00:00

it's been over two months since I've taken any pills. I did suboxen a few times in the very beginning, but I don't even bother with that anymore. it still feels weird not doing opiates ever single day, I'll say that much. I don't feel any serious changes in my mood, but I've noticed a lot of changes in my behavior and how I conduct myself.

On another note, I'm joining some sort of force soon. Either Air Force, Marines, or Navy. sign away 4 years of my life for a free education, to get physically fit, and to finally get direction in my life. So, right after my 20th birthday I'll be enlisting myself and hopefully shipping off after the New Year. I hope I'm making the right choice, 'cause I'm really just trying to do what I need to do to get somewhere in my life. I need to break the fuck out of Ware, Ma and go live. Without any income, education, or place to go, I've decided joining up is my best option.

Here's to a whole different world comin' up...
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