Hid in the science department until
_travis_ came to get his PADD. He told me what happened with the Captain. I was in shock for a few minutes. I can hardly believe it happened. I almost doubt Travis but... he wouldn't lie to me :)
So he didn't beat me up for messing the PADDs up when I left his quarters. In a way, we both seemed glad that the Captain found out. Since he approves, that is. Or *would* approve if he wasn't turning a deliberate blind eye to it all!
Spent a reather long time at breakfast.
ensigntanner and I were almost finished when
mal_reed entered for his, so we stayed long enough to check that he was okay, discreetly, from our own table.
After what
_rostov_ told us, we thought it might be best to keep some distance this morning or else he'd catch on. He's very good at that sort of thing. He seemed fine to me, but
ensigntanner knows him better than I do, obviously, and he wasn't too sure. Plus, the tactical officer in Stephen came out to play as he noticed how much coffee Lt. Reed had to drink... but I believe Lt. Reed must be feeling fine again if he could get his pancakes with peanut butter once more. I mean, ew!