Sep 02, 2004 03:02
//Firewalled against everyone//
Well, the talk with Cristoff was certainly interesting. Seems there's a scimitar that is a big threat to Victor, and he needs my help to obtain it, along with Izzy Hicks as, tutor in the ways of the Rom. I'm sure it will be just lovely working with her after our little stint as rivals. Please note the sarcasm. Apparently the particular family we must approach are stuck in another century and won't do business with a woman. He can't do it himself as he's had a falling out with his own people. And it seems I have a reputation among the Rom. I'm quite uncertain if it's a good or bad one, but I've always gotten the feeling Cristoff and others think I'm a more powerful wizard than I really am. Not that I'd ever take pains to set them straight.
Then there was my little conversation with Ripper...I'm afraid I may have let slip that I was oh so remotely involved in the whole hell freezing over nonsense. But I have to chuckle over his predicament. All those teenage girls in the Magic Box? Slayers. Suppose I better take care to keep my nose clean while I'm in town, eh?
Tori had a migraine when she finished whatever she was up to at Eva's. Some magical therapy or something, she didn't really say what being in quite a lot of pain for the rest of the night. She seems to have recovered now, however. Cristoff seemed to think she'd want to go on this next assignment and might be tempted to trade her magic skills in an ill-advised fashion. That the family we must contact are very much not to be trusted. I shall certainly welcome her presence if she wants to come...any buffer between me and Miss Hicks will be a good thing.
//End Firewall//
I suppose I'd better get the phone call over with, eh?
*Dials Izzy Hicks' number.*