Dec 14, 2004 07:37
Well another day off to work. Here is a description of my morning and my sleep:
Tossing and turning with every fifteen minute incrament that passes. The cold clogs the room of any comfort yet I'm still sweating from my neck, my arms, and my thighs. At three oclock I wake, only to fall back asleep. Twenty minutes before my alarm should screach I become too awake to shut my eyes again. I light a cigarette while lying in bed. Every puff brings a new thought about what today's agenda will intale. I step into the scorching shower as the hot water hits my body. The steams flies upwards across my face. Instant flash backs of my haunting nightmares. Flashes of faces from my past, scary thoughts and scenarios, places I've seen and some I've never been. All at once they flash before me, constructing an awful pain in my stomach. I had no recolection until the steam smothered my cool fresh air. I close my eyes and wipe them good. I can only be thankful they've been gone this long.