Jan 19, 2010 12:23
It seems so strange, to be so far into January, and to see mulched beds when I look out my office window, and not banks of snow. I was talking to my father this morning, and he says its been a very English winter - damp and cold and occasionally frosty with rimed trees, but little snow. So why did I have this urge to make porridge this morning, old fashioned steel cut, cook it on the stove top constantly stirring, porridge? I dunno, but it sure tasted fine, with nuts and dried fruit, accompanied by hot, strong tea.
Various household projects continue apace - I have nearly all our music (70 GBS) loaded to a EHD now, well everything except my anime soundtracks, but that's only 30 or so cds, so the end is very nearly in sight.
daily ramble