LJ: Circling The Drain

May 05, 2017 10:35

I'm removing my connection to LiveJournal as much as possible in light of their shift toward Russian "social norms". Soon, I will probably delete my LJ account entirely and continue with just Dreamwidth. So this is a post in which you may comment to tell me where you intend to write and/or read blog posts, so I can add your feed to my DW profile. If you're sticking with LJ, I may try to work out how to add you from my DW account so I can still see what you post, but really I'd rather you didn't do that. If you're just using LJ for reading, I recommend doing the same with DW. If you don't care either way, then keep up with me on Facebook instead.

Originally posted at my Dreamwidth account. Comment there or here.
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