Feb 24, 2004 14:56
that you could let it all out ... your problems, your frustrations and everything else that's going wrong in your life?
Lately I have a real need to vent about some stuff but I'm afraid if I come out saying this stuff that I'm going to piss a few people off. People are sometimes surprised when I actually express an opinion. It's like I'm supposed to be this quiet goody goody person all the time.
This journal has been a forum for me to share a lot of things but ever since I was asked to remove a post to appease some people, it feels like my home on the Internet here is silenced. Even creating a new journal does not have the same effect writing in here originally did.
I'm so sick of these two people who asked me to remove my posts because they don't want to look like asses. Both of you know who you are .... the post is now friends only and only people on my friends list can view it. So only people on my friends list will know you're both asses. And for the record, this person is really being childish as much as she doesn't want to it. Seriously, if you're going to be pissed at a friend for asking too many questions, you should've said something before I asked you all these questions. There's something called a warning you could have said.
Also bringing up something that happened four years ago is so childish and petty. Go and ask anyone what they would say if you brought up an argument from four years ago. It's done and over it, don't beat a dead horse over again.
I hate censorship and even self censorship is crossing the line. Blogging doesn't feel the same and neither does journaling when you're asked to do something you don't believe in. I think I'm going to look for another outlet to vent.