Respond to Alli's odd quizes

May 05, 2008 23:06

Manda --


A person who likes to steal tins of tuna

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

I am heroic couplets; most precise
And fond of order. Planned and structured. Nice.
I know, of course, just what I want; I know,
As well, what I will do to make it so.
This doesn't mean that I attempt to shun
Excitement, entertainment, pleasure, fun;
But they must keep their place, like all the rest;
They might be good, but ordered life is best. What Poetry Form Are You?


If they told you I'm mad, then they lied.
I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive.
I'm the triolet, bursting with pride;
If they told you I'm mad, then they lied.
No, it isn't obsessive. Now hide
All the spoons or I might get convulsive.
If they told you I'm mad then they lied.
I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive. What Poetry Form Are You?

Tomato is what I taste like.

I taste like nothing, except a tomato. I'm sometimes sweet and sometimes tart; sometimes juicy, sometimes crisp. The roles of a tomato are many and varied. I am an exception to all the rules. What Flavour Are You?

Friends and FamilyA+
Finance / CareerA
Your Life's Average Grade:   A+
'What is your Life Grade?' at

You fit in with:

40% spiritual.
80% reason-oriented.

Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way.  While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you.  It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

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