OOC: How is my driving?

Jun 08, 2009 23:59

This is an RP journal for the character C.C. from the series Code Geass. And I know that this journal needs the following post:

How's My Driving?
Tell me what you think of my muse. But I warn you, if it´s wank then I will laugh at you, so don´t try it. This isn´t only a post to give me something over my head (useful/helpful critic) but also to encourage me and to give me new ideas. The main purpose of this post is it to get a good picture of my current playing and what I might do right or wrong.

You can post anonymously or with a sock puppet journal if you wish. Comments are screened and IP track is offline. And it doesn´t matter who you are to me. I won´t break up friendships or other relationships because you are criticizing me.

BUT please remember:

a) Be helpful and polite in your critic
b) If you want to bash me because of my language skill; keep in mind that English is my second language. I´m from Germany. ^____^
c) wank = much amusement and laughter at my side.

ooc, hmd

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