The Waiting Game

Aug 13, 2011 09:46

I’ve spent the last week interviewing for internships. I had one in-person interview and two phone interviews, and I find out about the status of all of them early next week. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I impatient? Yes. But there’s nothing I can do but wait.

In my unguarded moments, I find myself fantasizing about what it would be like if I am the successful candidate for the one I want the most ouf of the three internships I interviewed for. Because seriously, it would be such a sweet internship; it’d be everything I’d want out of an internship experience. But then I quickly quash those fantasies because honestly, that will just make it all the more harder if I find out I wasn’t the successful candidate.

Hopefully I’ll have landed at least one of the internships. (Ideally, I’d have my pick of the three, but of course life is never ideal.) And if I’m not successful for any, I guess it’s back to the drawing board…

(This has pretty much been my life last week - interview after interview after interview. Hence the lack of entries. I’m sure life will get more exciting in the coming weeks :P)

Cross-posted from Please leave any comments there.


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