Rest is for the Weak

Mar 01, 2011 20:40

An hour ago, I decided to lie down in bed for a minute, which turned into an impromptu nap. Thankfully, it was short, but it was definitely not something I needed to spend my precious time doing. Between now and Friday evening, I have to do the following:
  • Study for my five-chapter comprehensive Chinese midterm
  • Write an outline/tentative script of sorts for this outlandish love story/tragedy musical for oral Chinese
  • …learn and memorize dialogue and lyrics for above musical
  • Pack for my upcoming weekend getaway to Nanjing
  • Finish planning my Nanjing itinerary: book hostel, pick out which sights to see, etc
  • Tidy up my room a little so it’s not an absolute mess when I get back from traveling

I barely have time to breathe, let alone do anything else, as my pending exams are going to be the death of me. Which is why this week, my motto is “rest is for the weak.” Rest? Who has time for that?

Cross-posted from Please leave any comments there.


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