
Aug 23, 2009 16:48

Applications are OPEN.

Personal: Name: Your name/nickname here
Age: Please remember that you must be at least 16 years of age to play at edge_ofeternity
Personal LJ:
Email address: For the mod team to contact you if we have any questions!
Previous roleplay experience:

Full Name (as written in their canon):
Character Age:
PB (Optional): If you chose to use a PB, please read the FAQ info on PBs and check the taken characters list to make sure yours isn't already being used.
From which point in their timeline do they arrive?:
Canon Abilities: Please note that your character will be stripped of any superhuman powers upon their arrival to the City on the Edge [See FAQ for more specific details]. They will also be unable to use their abilities in any of the AU worlds, unless it is setting-appropriate (ex. if your character has canon magical powers and we are playing in a magical world).

Canon History:
Two AU histories: Though this seems like a lot to ask, constant creativity and adaptability with your character is key for this game. We ask for two alternate histories so that we will have the chance to compare canon vs. AU and how well you can adapt them. This does not have to be extensive and/or extremely detailed.  This is only to show that you can adapt your character to different settings. Furthermore, you must select your two alternative universes from the following list:

- Modern/present day
- Futuristic/Cyberpunk
- European Renaissance
- Industrial Steampunk
- Ancient Greece (or, alternatively, Babylon, Egypt, etc)

You will not be required to use this history if/when we play in these setting (unless, of course, you want to), so don't feel obligated to!

Third-person RP sample:
First-person "journal" sample:


Please visit the FAQ page before applying.

Copy and paste from the text box below for your convenience!

Personal LJ:
Email address:
Previous roleplay experience:

Full Name:
Character Age:
PB (Optional):
From which point in their timeline do they arrive?:
Canon Abilities

Canon History:
Two AU histories (Choose from the scenarios listed on the FAQs page):

Third-person RP sample:
First-person "journal" sample:

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