So in a couple of days it will be 2012. Jason and I want to start trying for another baby sometime in July...I will have been at my new job for about a year by then. On that note I want to lose some weight before I do that so I am going to be starting to exercise on Monday. Now the reason I choose Monday is not only does it give me a few more days to sluff off but i go back to work then too. I am hoping I can keep this up. I know Jason is suportive but I think he could be a little bit more supportave. I dont think he realizes how much I would love it if he went on this diet with me and exercised with me. Then we could do it together...but he's a guy and men will be men. I on the other hand need to lose the weight for myself and for wanting to get pregnant again. so here it goes hopefully I will be able to keep the writing up and letting you know how I am doing. I am on a website called It keeps track of my calories and how many times i exercize a week...I am starting off with three times a week because I havent been active as of lately and want to start off slowly or I will get discouraged. I may or may not decide to goto weight watchers meetings I might need that support and the help with how to cook healthy. Jason said I can if I want he knows that helps me. Which support always does when I do something like this.
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