Nov 21, 2009 01:26
I have some great news my best friend is pregnant her and her hubby have been trying for two years and i dont know what it was neither do they but they finely got so happy for her. Her first kid is about two years older then Orion so they are close and so will these two :)...
other then that i went to the doctors the other day and he did his regular checking of the heart beat and mesurements and when he felt baby he's like "OMG she's low...oh so low"... and i was like well im not even dialating yet...he's like it doesnt matter with your second it could happen really fast at any time...then the nurse confirmed that ( i trust her because she's the dentists daughter in my parents home town weird i know...but the doctor i saw last week and this week wasnt my reg doc cause he had a couple of emergency C-sections i see him next week for sure) now im kinda wondering when i will go into labour lol...we have a christmas party next friday which makes me think thats when i'll go into labour lol...
we have been a little short on cash lately but if we can get though december and January then i go back to looking for work because my one year of leave is coming up and Jason actully wants to take time off to spend with the baby we will be fine...
so the other day jason worked at six in the morning and so i like always set the alarm for 5 for some stupid fucking reason i hit snooze till six...not even thinking about it well it was about 5 to six...i couldnt believe i slept in i never sleep in now jason works at 4am on saturday and even though im sooooo tired i cant sleep and im pretty sure its cause im scared of letting him sleep in again...i know its silly but i think thats the problem...bah maybe its not as silly as i think...
so now i sit watching caddyshack...eating crackers thinking im really hot and baby is awake for some reason tonight which is weird cause she's been up most of the day today too..infact she flipped from one side to the other then back a couple of hours ago...i dont know...she's her fathers daughter lol...I dont know if i ever mentioned this but we have a name picked out...but i dont wanna put it on facebook because i know so many people who are pregnant and when i was pregnant with Orion i had told a friend who was due a month before me the names i picked out and she when she went into labour before me she stoled the girls name i had choosen...i would have been more upset if orion had been a girl but still its the principal of the whole now i know better i havent told anyone really except the girls on babyfit mainly because if they wanna steal it i know i'll never run into them or the baby...and my family and some of my heres the name we picked
Alyshia Marie
Jason really liked Alicia but he didnt like the spelling so we changed it and Marie is one of my middle names.
I did the same thing with Orion his middle name is after me too its Kristopher...
If we had had a boy this time around we would have named him James Russel after jason (which was supose to be James but because he was adopted his birth parents gave him that name and Jays parents respected that and still put Russel as the middle) so James Russel runs in his family his dad, grand dad and great grand dad and even farther if im correct were all named James Russel Brown :) in all honesty i like jason russel better but jason is proud of the name so he wants that name...i wonder what happens if kerri has a boy (jays sister) i think its suppose to be the oldest boys...i dont know...
Kerri jays sister and her hubby are trying again. she has two but her hubby wants a we are hoping that she will get pregnant soon after they get back from hawii (sp i dont remember right now lol) she didnt wanna get pregnant before cause then she couldnt drink lol...jasons mom and sister are such lushes its funny as no better when im with them but its funny to think that...we would have gone with them but i really cant travel lol...if we had told them earlier that i was pregnant then they would have made it for another time either before baby or after...its kinda cool cause they pay for everything last year at christmas we went to banff...they rented us a small "condo" type thing and we went for a horse ride and everything...this year we were supose to go to hawii...god i wish i could remember how to spell so dang all honesty who knows...they are the type of people who want to spend the money they have on us so that they can see us enjoy it instead of saving it till after they are gone...they even told jason that they would give us money for a down payment on a house if we need it...which we do...but we need to beable to get a mortgage first and i think they will co sign (i know its not actully co signing im just to dang tired to use the tecnical term i learned in school for it) So we might beable to get a bigger mortgage because of them then we would on our own. :)
well this has been a so bored...