Oct 15, 2008 15:15
Gosh i dont even know if anyone ever reads this...but here i go last feburay jason and i had a miscarriage it sucked but we werent expecting it so we weren't devistated we had only found out a week prior as well so the thought of being parents to another child hadn't even crossed our minds till then...well after that we both kinda talked about it more seriously cause obviously it was always something we both wanted and well we wanted to make sure we were on the same wave lenth if something ever did occur again...never officially trying or not we used birth control on a semi regular basis. Anyway that story was leading up to now...
Last thursday jason and i found out i was pregnant again...woot woot...we were happy and knew what we had to do...alas sunday rolls around and i start bleeding again i went in to the hospital and after two days of long drawn out explinations i have once agian lost the baby :( sigh...then to make matters worse on the ultrasound i went for on monday morning they found two cysts on my right olvary but according to my family doctor its common after a miscarriage to have these cysts...so now i sit in class wondering why i keep miscarring everyone keeps telling me its normal but...i dont know...blah i dont know how to feel about all this especially with school and work and ya life...I love my bunny...i really do...i was shocked and surprized to find that he was sad that i lost the baby...i dont know why but i was....he's a good man..im really lucky to have found him. :-)