Filling something out....Stolen from Amie!

Dec 31, 2004 03:01

I love filling these things out!

¤ First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Herman
¤Last word you said: “Fuck!”
¤Last song you sang: “Remember” by Divine Intervention
¤ Last thing you laughed at: Eric, when I was talking on the phone with him.
¤ Last time you cried: thinks…..I can’t remember….

¤ What's in your cd player: Right now, it’s the “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” soundtrack
¤ What color socks are you wearing: white
¤ What's under your bed: Maybe some dustbunnies…Damndable things….
¤ What time did you wake up today: 11:00am…*snuggles with Jensey*

¤ What is your career going to be: Either a nurse, or a forensic analyzer.
¤ How are you going to live: Probably middle class.
¤ How many kids do you want: (If I even have children)….Two, a boy and a girl.
¤ What kind of car will you drive: I will drive a black PT cruiser. The family car will be an SUV type car, and his car will be whatever he would like.

¤ Current hair: Dark brown with natural honey tones.
¤ Current clothes: Blue jeans, a light blue muscle shirt, a dark green Aeropostale hoodie, and my DC sneakers.
¤ Current annoyance: The fact that I can be very emotionally attached to the people I love.
¤ Current smell: Sweet Pea lotion from Bath & Body Works.
¤ Current longing: For Jens Erik to be here, behind me, holding me in his arms…..*sighs*
¤ Current desktop picture: An awesome shot of Yuna and Tidus in a backround pose…(Final Fantasy X for those who don’t know)
¤ Current favorite music artist: Killswitch Engine
¤ Current book: The first books in the “Dark Tower” series by Stephen King
¤ Current worry: Passing math class….
¤ Current hate: …..Math class…..
¤ Story behind your username/screen name: lol…Ummm, Which one?
Livejournal name- Eternity06: ‘Cause I will be spending eternity looking for whatever that “thing” is that my soul has been searching for….06 is my graduating year.
Animeleague name- Eternal Divinity: Anything that is “divine” can never be “eternal”. Such things as love, and devotion….It’s kind of a play on itself. It’s me saying, with those facts in mind, “I will be divine, eternally….PFFT…Not possible!”
AIM name- PlinkButterfly06: Well, my ex-boyfriend and I, Aaron, made the word “plink” up through a color. One day, I was wearing an Adidas shirt that we agreed was a cross between purple, and pink, so we created the word “plink”. “Butterfly”, comes from the fact that me, as in myself, am always changing within. I’m always evolving. I would like to honestly say that I’m in a cocoon stage, and when I do finish my crysilus stage, I will emerge as the person that I’m suppose to be. “06” is, again, my graduating year.
¤ Current favorite article of clothing: Tie between my DC sneakers, and my new Aeropostale hoodies. snuggles with the hoodies ^_^
¤ Favorite physical feature on the opposite sex: Smiles, eyes, and laugh. (Is a laugh physical? I don’t care!)
¤ One person you wish was here right now: Jens Erik
¤ Line from the last thing you wrote to someone: “<3 Meghan”
¤ I am happiest when: I’m with my friends.
¤ I feel lonely when: I haven’t done anything in a long time.
¤ Favorite author: Ummmm….Stephen Kind, Anne Rice, or Robert Jordan.
¤ Do you think too much: sighs….Too much for my own damn good….
¤ If you could live anywhere in the world, where: Either Australia, or Norway right now…For my own reasons….^_^
¤ Do you have any regrets: Millions….
¤ Love or sex: can't you have both? Love, by far….
¤Coffee, white or black: I don’t drink coffee.
¤ Favorite smell: Egyptian Goddess body oil…*yummy*
¤ What makes you mad: Wanton disregard for someone’s feelings….Lying…..Cheating…..
¤ Favorite way to waste time: Listening to music!
¤ What is your best quality: I can understand a lot of people, no matter what “sect” they’re in.
¤ Are in currently in love/lust: Yes.
¤ What's the craziest thing you have done?: lol….Jumped from the roof of my house, with my older brother, onto the trampoline, and into the swimming pool….Either that, or dated Michael. One of the two.
¤ Any bad habits: I’m afraid that I show my love too deeply, too soon….
¤ Do you find it hard to trust people: My way of it is that I’ll trust you from the time I meet you, until you give me reason not to….Then, you’re going to have to do something pretty big to get it back.
¤ Last thing you bought yourself: My “Resident Evil :Apocalypse” soundtrack, and my Gameboy Advanced SP. I bought those a few hours ago.
¤ Bath or shower: Shower…(I don’t remember that last time I took a bath)
¤ Favorite season: Autumn
¤ Favorite color: Purple
¤ Favorite time of day: Night
¤ Gold or silver: Silver, by far!
¤ Any secret crushes: No

¤ How many coats and jackets do you own: Ummm….five, I think. Maybe a couple more.
¤ Do you wear a watch: All the time. It’s in 24 hour time too, hehehe.
¤ Favorite pants color: Black, or dark blue.
¤ Most expensive item of clothing: Hmmmm…..My Aeropostale jeans…$45.00
¤ Most treasured: A silver ring I wear on my left hand at all times, my class ring, and my silver locket that is my best friends object with Lizzie and I.

¤ Do your friends know you: Most of them, if they’re my friends….
¤ What do they tend to be like: ….Meh….
¤ Can you count on them: Most of them….
¤ Can they count on you: At all times, no matter what.

¤ Last book you read: “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”
¤ Last movie you saw: “Underworld”
¤ Last movie you saw on the big screen: “Resident Evil: Apocalypse”
¤ Last show you watched on tv: “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”
¤ Last song you heard: “The End of Heartache” by Killswitch Engine
¤ Last thing you had to drink: Coca-Cola
¤ Last thing you ate: A chicken wing.
¤ Last time you showered: This afternoon.
¤ Last time you smiled: When I saw a piccie of Jens Erik.
¤ Last time you laughed: When I was on the phone with my friend, Eric.
¤ Last person you hugged: My friend, Shannon. I saw her when I went shopping.
¤ Last person you talked to online: Another friend, Sean.
¤ Last person you talked to on the phone: Eric

¤ Smoke: No
¤ Do drugs: No, but I have tried them.
¤ Drink: No
¤ Sleep with stuffed animals: Sometimes
¤ Have a dream that keeps coming back: Yes, I have a couple of those actually.
¤ Play an instrument: Yes….Violin, guitar, clarinet, flute, and bass guitar.
¤ Believe there is life on other planets: Maybe. Not sure.
¤ Read the newspaper: Not really.
¤ Have any gay or lesbian friends: Definetly!
¤ Believe in miracles: sighs….Depends….I do believe one thing though. That there are two people in my life right now that are miracles….Jens Erik, and Holly.
¤ Consider yourself tolerant: YES!
¤ Consider police a friend or foe: Depends
¤ Like the taste of alchohol: Not a whole lot. Depends on what it’s in.
¤ Have a favorite stooge: No really, but if I wanted to pick…Moe, hehehe.
¤ Believe in astrology: Sometimes….
¤ Believe in magic: Yes. Wiccan at least.
¤ Pray: No
¤ Go to church: Never
¤ Have any secrets: ….Yes….
¤ Have any pets: Yes, a dog, and three cats at this house.
¤ Go or plan to attend college: Yes.
¤ Talk to strangers: Sometimes.
¤ Have any piercings: Yes, my ears, and I use to have my bellybutton.
¤ Have any tattoos: No….Not yet…..
¤ Hate yourself: Most of the time….
¤ Wish on stars: Sometimes.
¤ Like your handwriting: Meh, I guess.
¤ Believe in witches: Wiccans, yes.
¤ Believe in ghosts: Sort of.
¤ Believe in santa: lol….No.
¤ Believe in the easter bunny: No.
¤ Believe in the tooth fairy: No.
¤ Have a second family: Yes….My family on AL.
¤ Trust others easily: Sometimes…(Jens Erik knows of what I speak)
¤ Sing in the shower: Sometimes, lol.
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