Attempt to post 'Take One'

Jan 09, 2015 11:46

Since in all honesty my life is as dull as dish water, here is some of my writing to boo and hiss at. LOL

Lady Reaper ©2010 Elizabeth L. Clark

There were many reapers, men, women and even ones resembling children. Some even took on the form of mist or white light, anything to make the trip to the other side easier for those they served. She was young, or appeared to be anyway and she was assigned to look after some wars waging yet again among the Humans.

"Do they never tire of this sort of thing?" She wondered as she moved around the world silently.

"So many to pick up and I haven't had a break, well, ever." She moved about, scooping the writhing things up and tucking them into her bag. "Another one? Already?"

Another addition to her collection, it seemed to never end. She paused, brushing her hair out of her face. "I need a break, I am so tired of eating on the run, never settling in a spot and just closing my eyes and feeling the Sun on my face. But they never seem to let me have one, hmmm, maybe I could ask the Gods."

She approached the God and Goddess and after a whispered talk they nodded. For one full hour, she could rest and relax a bit. She smiled and went to get lunch and curl up under a tree to enjoy a brief respite from her work.

The world spun on, never knowing, not caring really. She ate slowly, enjoying her rest. She had not done this in a very long time, since she had first been created in fact and had forgotten how good it felt to just sit and savour something as simple as a meal.

Too soon she was back at work, adding more to the bottomless pouch on her hip. But for one hour, one single blink in time... there was no death in the world.

She stopped over a battle field and busily scooped up one soul after another. "I give them this they make sure I have job security."

One soul clung stubbornly to life. His mouth moved in a silent chant as he struggled to sit up, to assess his wounds. Around his neck, shining through the blood and dirt rested a silver pentacle. He was one of the Pagan folk, drawn into a senseless war against his will. He was strong in his beliefs and chanted to the Goddess, pleading for his life.

She paused to watch, to wait. She was rather fond of those that followed the paths of majick, they seemed to be more attuned to the circle of life and less likely to scream and wail as they passed over.

He held a dirty shirt to his side, staunching the flow of blood and growled in pain.

"Not today! Go away death! I -will not- go willingly!"

She cocked her head to one side. "He knows? How is that possible?" It was rare for anyone to sense her near

She appeared in front of him, her pale hair flowing around her, startling against her muted black body suit and cape. He stared and pulled back, moaning in pain.

"No. I will not go with you!"

"Why not? I offer you peace, all your dreams come true."

"I want to live! I have a wife and a son on the way. I have to live for them!"

She knelt before him, eyes wide. No one had ever talked directly to her before. "You are in pain... yet you choose to suffer?"

He nodded. "I will get better and I will see my family again. I have things to do, places to go, things to see. Please leave me alone."

Tears filled her eyes at the love in his voice when he spoke of his wife and unborn son. She touched his face gently. "I will leave you alone. I give you a long and full life... and a promise. When your time truly does come, I will be gentle and guide you onward carefully."

He nodded "Bless you for your kindness Lady Reaper, I will put symbols on my altar for you and on Samhain I will set out gifts for you."

She blushed "Thank you and I am very find of apples and honey drenched figs." She moved on, smiling as she saw the Goddess answering his pleas and guiding help to him, staying close by to see that he was taken from the battle field safely.

He lived well. His life was filled with love and happiness. He had just turned one hundred when she appeared to him again. He smiled and held out his hand to her.

"I have lived a good life. I am tired now."

She took his hand gently and held him to her as she carried him onward. She whispered softly. "Thank you for showing me what living really meant. For that you will have a wonderful afterlife... your wife waits for you as do several of your children. All you had in life will be yours until you are ready for the next life."

He sighed and closed his eyes. "I will live the next life as I did this one... to the fullest. Thank you for letting me have the chance to do so."

She hugged him as she set him down in a sunny meadow. "I will be back one day... and we will take this journey again old friend."

Death left, too many souls to gather to tarry long. But she smiled as she worked. For death now understood life.

words, pagan

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