Silent no more

Jan 08, 2012 11:14

My previous post was about forgiving my mama for not removing my sisters and I from the house of horrors we lived in. I also posted it on another social media site and got flack from a relative over not speaking respectively of the monster who sired me. This person then chided me for not keeping the post just for family. It's the 'Shhh don't tell' crap again.

I was forced into silence as a child, silence that in the long run caused the death of my youngest sister. Had I told, had I broken the silence, she might still be with us today. I will be silent no more, never again will I be backed into a corner and be told; 'Shhh...don't tell'.

I will tell, and keep telling until I pass on to the next life. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day a child is backed into a corner and told 'Shh...don't tell' and then suffers abuse in silence, They are beaten, sexually violated, called horrid names and have to stare blankly into space when they really want to scream and beg someone for help.

The next person who has the brass to tell me 'Shhh...don't tell' will find themselves on the wrong end of one pissed off survivor. I will break the circle of silence and make noise for the ones who cannot speak for themselves. I will tell, for them and for the sister who died because no one spoke up for her when it would have done the most good.

Adults on both sides of the family knew or at the very least suspected, but no one spoke up, they sank into the silence and left us to his not so tender mercies. After all, he was the charming Thomas Edward Jacobs, how could he ever rape and abuse his own kids...right? They turned their heads and closed their eyes and the silence once again won.

Silence kills, it allows the monsters to do their evil deeds and know that they will never have to pay for their crimes. It locks innocent children in houses of pain and strips them of their innocence and their souls. It leaves behind blood and silent screams that soak into the walls and allows the abusers to bask in the perverted glow of their foul deeds.

So, to all those that keep saying; 'Shhh...don't tell' Fuck you...shove your head further up your ass and step aside, because this survivor will never be silenced again.

pain, abuse, silence

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