Hey there everybody! Sorry for the lack of updates but I'm not many really noticed. Anyways just to let you know my band has a my space! This is a temporary site that we are just using so people can contact us. If your interested the address is :
http://www.myspace.com/thelastwordus - We have gigs posted and lots of other stuff
Anyways Dozopalooza is coming up and I really want to encourage everybody to come! The reason is not just to hear good music but its also a good cause. All the money you spend on your ticket will go to the George Lawrence Scolarship Fund. George Lawrence was a student that attended Cardozo High School. Although an unfortunate accident shortened his life. From what I hear he was big on music, but nonetheless it was tragedy and Dozopalooza is a show that is dedicated to George Lawrence. The people who run the show (Ms. T and Hal Eisenberg) made a promise to George's parents to keep the running and they have been successful. So please buy a ticket for this cause. Every cent will got to the fund and it wont be wasted on stuff the school doesnt need. If you come you will treated to some great music as well.
If your interested in a ticket, you can find me in the halls and Ill be glad to give you a ticket. The cost for one is $7.00!
Lastly I would like to leave you off with this beautiful picture of me and perhaps one of my best friends! This picture really shows the great friendship that me and Deidra have and it also shows us at the height of our friendship, when we went to England (My homeland lol)
**bffls in the homeland!