Oct 28, 2005 20:32
I am tired of looking at you people around me and thinking how sad, how much theyve changed. Tonight i was thinking about it on the way how home how absolutely messed up i am now, and its no one elses fault but my own, i accept full responsibiity for all of it. I decided i am sick of being addicted, sick of being on a leash. Im Sick of watching other ppl on their leashes that they put there. Humanity is so eager to kill and condemn themselves its riduclous. People have gotten waaaay too comfortable on their skin in their little world and are so SELFISH (including me) that they/we begin to actually believe that us is all there really is. Im sick of you hipocrites, im sick of myself, a hipocrite! Its L-A-M-E. We need to get over ourselves because we arent anything special, there has been billions of us before and there will be after our lives. Do you know what the consequences are to a sinful life? I do, but yet i still continued to be lame and keep it up. I said well hey i mean i can rock out to a worship song and i still go to church and i pray and read sometimes the Bible and believe in God and Jesus but thats not it. We are so selfish we recognize this and we just want to ignore it because we know that if we focus on God then we arent focused on ourselves, on our pitiful little lives. I look at myself, who i am now and i see little of actual value. Take a look at yourself, a good look. Now, do you like everything, every little detail that you see. You know yourself more than anyone else on this planet so youre the only one who can fix yourself. DO IT. Before its too late and you are covered in fire and brimstone and damnation FOREVER, that is a very very very long time. Is doing that lame stuff you do really worth it? Its not for me so im gonna change myself. Starting from the ground building up. Think about it.