Rules: Put your iPod/MP3 device/radio/illegal online streamer/computer on shuffle.
For the first five songs, write a drabble with that general theme.
You have only the length of that song to write it.
1.Everybody’s Free - Aquagen - Zuko/Aang, Avatar:TLA
“You don’t have to do marry her, you know,” Aang murmured out of nowhere, a pleading tone in his voice.
“Yes I do. We were promised to each other…Aang, it’s complicated. Just accept that it has to happen,” Zuko replied with a sigh. He had been expecting this conversation for weeks now, ever since he and Mai had announced their engagement.
The Avatar stepped further into the room, his eyes determined. “It shouldn’t happen. You’re not happy, and we all can see that. Look, just tell the Fire Sages that you don’t want to marry her, and we’ll all stand beside you. Katara, Sokka, Toph, all of us are a family now. We all have to help each other out. The Sages won’t argue with you if we just..”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Zuko growled, turning away.
Aang’s shoulders sagged. “Well, even if you feel that way, I’ll still be here for you. It’s why I came here after all, and I already know you’re happy, I mean…with me anyway,” he said softly, putting a hand on the young Fire Lord’s shoulder. “You should be free to choose.”
Zuko tensed slightly, but didn’t pull away. “I can’t recognize it in front of court. I can’t touch you, or dance with you at the galas, or even…or even kiss you in front of other people anymore. Is that really what you want?” he asked, sliding the airbender’s hand away and turning to look at him.
The other boy just nodded solemnly before pulling his lover into a tight hug. “I’ll be here for you. Whatever happens.”
2.If you were Gay - Avenue Q - Edgeworth and Gumshoe, Phoenix Wright
“Uh, sir?”
“Yes, detective, what is it?” Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. The case files he had braced in front of him unmoving.
Detective Gumshoe fidgeted in the doorframe. “Well, sir, uh, some of the guys downstairs were talking and well..”
“Spit it out, Detecive”
“Um, sir, I just wanted to say that if you really are, um, gay….um, I totally support your decision sir, and if anyone bothers you..then well, just let me know, alright?” Gumshoe babbled, before nodding and quickly taking off down the hall.
It was Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright who found Edgeworth, still sitting in his office after four hours of staring blankly at the door. The Prosecutor never really recovered after that.
3.Dream On - Aerosmith - The Gaang, Avatar:TLA
Sokka had finally run out of things to talk about. The campfire at the Western Air Temple had finally fallen quiet for the first time since they had arrived. He couldn’t bear the silence. “Hey, we’ve never gotten Zuko to say anything, have we? I mean, he at least owes us a story about what happened to his face or something,” he commented, looking pointedly to the newcomer sitting at the back of the wide courtyard. The others looked at each other and shrugged.
“I guess so. Go get him Sokka,” Katara said, shooting a glare at the firebender from the corner of her eye.
It was a good ten minutes before her brother was able to drag the reluctant firebender to the circle, the gold eyed boy scowling and refusing to look at any of the rest of the group. “So, Sparky, you owe us a story. What do all those evil Fire Nation guys do when you’re stuck on a boat for months on end?” Sokka asked, borrowing Toph’s nickname for Zuko happily.
The Fire Nation boy twitched and shifted, trying to get out of the uncomfortable position he had been shoved into. “We didn’t really..” he began, but Toph cut him off with a snort.
“Not true, Sparky. You’re lying worse than Snoozles over here when he steals all the leftover food. Now cough something up, or we’ll have you dance with Momo or something.”
Zuko’s face paled. “Well, ah, on the ship we did have a music night. We’d play instruments..or sometimes sing. About, you know, stuff the men had done in their lives, or what their dreams or goals were. It wasn’t really a big deal,” he said.
The faces of the rest of the Gaang told him otherwise. “So,” Katara said with an evil glint in her eye, “you are going to sing for us. I hope it’s a good one.”
Zuko looked around like a panicked animal. Not even Azula had ever scared him so badly.
4. Science Fiction, Double Feature - Rocky Horror Picture Show - Ken/Daisuke, Digimon
“Hey Ken, what movie are we going to go see again?” Daisuke asked, scrolloing through the listings on his cell phone. “Something with zombies, I hope.”
“Not exactly,” Ken replied, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. “It’s like a long compilation of a few old science fiction movies. Koushiro told me about it. He said it was good.”
Daisuke grinned. “So with lasers and aliens and stuff? Just as good.” He linked arms with the other boy, kissing him lightly on the cheek. “It’s great to be able to do this stuff with you, Ken. Nobody else ever wanted to go with me.”
Ken blushed. He had never thought such a simple thing could affect someone so strongly.
5. Brains! - Voltaire - Riku and Heartless!Ansem, Kingdom Hearts
“And you want me to do what, exactly?” Riku said, frowning.
The silver haired man in front of him sighed. “I need hearts, boy. Any will do. Just bring anyone you find to me, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
Riku took a step back. “And then what? You them or something?” He was suddenly far less certain he wanted to help this man, even for all the power in the world.
“Yes, boy. I eat them. I fry them, or I’ll drink it with a straw. Just do it,” Ansem said dryly, glaring at the younger man.
“Fine, I’ll do it. On one condition though,” Riku said, his voice wavering. Ansem’s eyes narrowed.
“Name it.”
“Leave Sora’s heart alone. You can have everyone else.”
This was not what Ansem had expected. He smiled and offered a hand towards the boy.
“It’s a deal.”