Remember one application per character and up to two major characters can be applied for. Please take your time. Reservations are available for characters, just simply post your requests [
Also, alliance information can be found [
here]. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
AND PLEASE NOTE: All accepted characters have their histories and information posted in profile pages. So if you're looking for a model of accepted applications, feel free to check out the character table on the comm's userinfo page and look around. It's also an easy way to get to know the other muns that you might be RPing with. ^^
Name: [real or nickname]
AIM/MSN: [please at least have one. It helps in planning and just getting to know one another ^^]
RPs: [have you had any other RP experience? Tell us! If not, that's fine too!]
Character Name: [insert here :o]
Alliance: [are you a part of the East India Trading Company, a commoner, aristocrat, or a pirate?]
Character History: [describe your character's past and how it affects their future. Also, before you claim your character knows another well, be sure to consult with the player of that character before stating said relationship. This cannot be stressed enough and the Mods will know if you did not consult with someone about a shared history.]
Character Personality: [be specific. I want to make sure that you don't make Naruto an emo kid or Orochimaru a hyper-active school girl. Just want to make sure you know who they are.]
Example RP: [third or first person is fine. Preferably third just to see where you stand in RPing. Please don't be offended if I ask you to re-write, and don't be intimidated if this is your first time. You'll do just fine. And you get as many chances as you want.]
Model: [please submit a name and, if possible, a picture of who will represent your character]
Applications will be screened. This is to prevent drama over players who feel they may have done better in an app compared to another. Challengers are welcome to see their opponents applications after the contest, however. So, please do not fight me on this. The rules of screening shall not change, with all due respect.
NOTE :: Also, since applications are screened you will not be able to reply directly to your post. Just click 'Post A Comment' again should your app continue beyond one posting.
Once accepted, please post character history and any other necessary information in the profile of your character's journal so hopeful applicants can have references. Those accepted will be found on the community profile under the character table. If you have any problems concerning applications, feel free to contact the mods (contact information can be found on the community profile as well).