[Mod Post]: Let's get this party started! :D

Jun 14, 2007 13:11

The Mods of Eternal Sea are very happy to inform you that our game is now officially, Opened for RPing!

A quick reminder, when posting threads/logs they should be headed as follows:

Character(s): [ State whether or not the thread is open, restricted, or closed and for who the thread will apply. If it's open, anyone can join. If it's restricted, then conditions apply to joining (give the conditions). If it's closed, only certain characters can join (list those characters). Obviously, AIM/MSN/etc. logs will be closed. ]
Date: [ When in the AU does this take place? A specific date is not necessary. Simply stating "Early Spring" is fine enough. This is so that a timeline of the RP can be made to keep track of the various plots as well as ensure that a character is not in two places at one time. ]
Setting: [ Location (general or specific) is placed here so that the characters aren't just standing around in a void. ]
Summary: [ Give a brief description of what is happening in the thread/log. ]
Warning(s): [ Anything above PG-13 rating in the thread that you wish to notify the other members about goes here. This should be updated and changed as the thread progresses. In other words if it starts out as PG but moves on to R rated material, please go back and make a note of it. ]

Character(s): Restricted to all those currently aboard the Siren
Date: Mid-Summer
Setting: The deck of the Siren just off the shores of Gambia.
Summary: After a failed raid, Captain Tenten has a word with her crew.
Warning(s): None. Lots of blood and possible loss of limbs.

When posting logs, it should be appropriately marked in the subject of the post. Also, the RPing following the header should be placed under a cut.

For reference sake, the RP starts in the year 1660, during the 'golden age' of piracy. And since we all will be RPing with each other for what I hope will be a very long while, please make it a priority to meet the other members. Lack of communication is one of the factors that leads to an RP dying or going inactive, something all the mods wish to avoid. We encourage that everyone interacts with each other and most importantly has fun.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here and the mods will be happy to help in any way that we can.

So, with all that said and done, have at it!
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