Team...And Sometimes Not

Mar 07, 2011 21:10

Title: Team...And Sometimes Not
Author: not_from_stars
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing/Characters: Abby Maitland, Connor Temple, Stephen Hart, Nick Cutter, Jenny Lewis, Tom Ryan, Helen Cutter, Captain Becker, Danny Quinn, James Lester
Rating/Category: PG-13
Summary: Quick glances into the lives of the people at the ARC.
Words: 10 Drabbles at 100 Words Each (1000)
Notes: This was written for challenge #200 at primeval100, Past Challenges. (The Prompts here are 19 - Abby, 39 - Helen, 44 - Connor Temple, 48 - Captain Tom Ryan, 51 - Stephen Hart, 54 - Jenny Lewis, 57 - James Lester, 66 - Nick Cutter, 112 - Captain Becker, 120 - Danny Quinn)

Every person who knew her would have their own way of describing her to someone new.

Cutter would describe her as the heart of the team, and someone who held them all together when they needed the extra reminder.

Stephen would describe her as compassionate, beautiful and the most free-spirited person he had ever met.

Ryan would describe her as completely fearless in facing down a threat to others.

Claudia would call her strong and brilliant, while Lester would describe her as vocal and idealistic.

It was Connor, though, who thought he described her in the best way.

“My heart.”

She didn’t start out to be the villain of the story that everyone seemed happy to paint her as. She was a scientist who was serious about the life on this planet. It wasn’t until she discovered the anomalies and realized that humanity was the biggest danger to the survival of the planet of all. Nick was a scientist and he cared about life just as much as she did. It was why she came back, to get Nick so that they could go through time and save what was so important. It wasn’t the first time he disappointed her.

Connor Temple
One thing that everyone could agree with about Connor was that he had an air of innocence about him that they all wanted to protect. While some of them would say he was naïve, others would argue that it wasn’t that at all. He was just amazing at finding joy in almost everything he did. He cared deeply about everyone and sometimes wore his heart on his sleeve. He was theirs and they would keep him safe at all costs - while making sure he was able to keep a hold of that wide-eyed wonder of his as long as possible.

Captain Tom Ryan
He always considered himself their protector. It didn’t matter that they were all so cocksure about rushing into dangerous situations; he was their safety net to make sure they made it back home. They rarely made it easy for him. He didn’t remember when they stopped being a job and instead became his friends and family. He only realized that line had been crossed when the kid was going to hurt Abby and then Connor was in the line of fire. He would have hated to do it, but he would have pulled the trigger to save either of them.

Stephen Hart
With the exception of Cutter, there had been very few people that he allowed himself to get close to. He knew the first time he met Connor and then Abby that it was all going to change. There was something about both of them that reached into him and demanded to be a part of his life. Even when he inadvertently broke Abby’s heart, they had stuck by him. So when Helen dropped her bombshell in an attempt to hurt Cutter, he wasn’t sure what he was going to see the next time he looked at the two of them.

Jenny Lewis
This had to be the most dysfunctional family unit that had probably ever existed. Jenny spent a lot of time watching and paying attention to the dynamics of the team she worked with now. You had the bickering older brothers in Cutter and Stephen. You had the younger siblings who were always trying to get into things they should know to leave alone with Abby and Connor. In Lester you had the father that you tried not to catch the attention of. So where did that leave her? She had no idea; her feelings for Cutter were anything but sisterly.

James Lester
The Minister had placed him in charge of a team full of insane people. Not only were they insane, not a one of them seemed to have any concept of decorum or personal space. So when had they begun to matter to him more than the job? Why had it ripped at him when Hart was killed? Somewhere along the line, they had become his people and his team. He sifted through the pile of files on his desk. He was going to hire the best military detail he could find. He would not lose another one of his people.

Nick Cutter
He spent a lot of time with his field notes and programs. He spent a lot of time trying to retrace everything that had been done while they were in the past. Two people had been lost that hadn’t needed to be lost. One had died… and one had simply ceased to exist. He still didn’t know what had happened to cause such a memorable woman just fade from life and time itself. He wasn’t going to let it go. He couldn’t just accept it. Something they had done had caused this. He had to put it back to rights.

Captain Becker
The military had prepared him for a lot of circumstances and how to deal with all kinds of people. However, he knew for a fact that nothing had ever prepared him for a team quite like this. He had been trained to protect people and keep them from getting themselves killed. Nothing had trained him on keeping people from crawling into his heart. Nothing had prepared him for the very unprofessional feelings he had for Abby and Connor. He wanted to keep them safe, but more importantly, he wanted to keep them close to him. That was an unexpected desire.

Danny Quinn
Ok, so arresting a member of another investigative team probably hadn’t been the best plan Danny had ever had. This was made even worse when he was informed that these people worked in a classified job created by the Minister. That was going to end up looking quite wonderful on his review. After the mystery of his brother’s disappearance was solved, he found he owed these people but good. What better was to apologize than by stealing a helicopter to rescue them from a giant, really pissed off dinosaur? One of the most exciting escapes he’d ever been involved in.

character : connor temple, character : nick cutter, character : abby maitland, fandom : primeval, character : tom ryan, character : becker, character : jenny lewis, character : stephen hart, character : james lester, character : danny quinn

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