Snippets Of Text And Time 2/?

Mar 04, 2011 13:14

Title: Snippets Of Text And Time Part 2
Author: not_from_stars
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing/Characters: Abby Maitland, Connor Temple, Stephen Hart, Nick Cutter, Jenny Lewis, Tom Ryan
Rating/Category: PG-13
Summary: Quick glances into the lives of the people at the ARC.
Words: 10 Drabbles at 100 Words Each (1000)
Notes: This was written for challenge #200 at primeval100, Past Challenges. The Prompts here are 9 - Star Wars, 10 - "Claudia Who?", 11 - Surprise, 12 - Friends, 13 - Camping, 14 - A Quiet Night In, 15 - Oops!, 16 - This Is Where You Duck, 17 - Chat-up Lines, 18 - T-Rex

Star Wars
It was a testament to how much they cared about him that they were subjecting themselves to this kind of thing. When they had all offered to do something together for his birthday, no one had realized that it would end up being a marathon of the original Star Wars movies. It wasn’t so much watching the movies back to back that was making the evening a different experience. No, it was the fact that Connor seemed to know every line of every scene by heart. Claudia leaned her head against Nick and wondered how much more she could take.

"Claudia Who?"
“Tell me about her.”

The request was a simple one, but it was a big step coming as it did from the person sitting next to him. Cutter sighed, pulling Jenny close to his side as they leaned back on his sofa. Where did he even start? How did one describe your heart to the person who looked so much like her and was now in his heart? How did one talk about someone that no one else remembered ever existing?

“Claudia Brown,” he said finally. “She was very stubborn, but very good at her job. She cared about people…”

As far as surprises went, this was definitely one of the best ones he had found himself with. In his arms was a tiny blonde that he knew very well. She was dressed up and wearing a bow. When he had answered the door, she had grinned and launched herself into his arms. He had thought that he had been keeping his interest in her under wraps, but he was beginning to see that he was wrong. Not that he minded, not when she was looking at him like that.

“Happy Birthday, Tom! Are you going to open your present?”

It wasn’t often that he found himself feeling very introspective when they were out on a call. Today, though, he found himself watching the people he worked with. Somehow, these people had become his family since this project began. Stephen had been a constant in his life, but the rest of these people were newer additions into his life. For the last eight years he had been hiding in memories of the past, memories that were finally letting go of him. The here and now was what was important. Stephen, Claudia, Ryan, Connor and Abby. They were his life, now.

Letting Connor and Abby stay with him while their flat was being repainted had been something of a learning experience. He hadn’t ever seen Abby acting as light-hearted and kidlike as she had with Connor the last day or two. It was a nice thing to see.

Shaking his head, he came out into the living room and stared. All of the cushions and pillows were arranged on the floor and sheets were draped over the cushions.


Connor poked his head out from beneath one of the sheets. “Hi, Cutter. We built a pillow fort. Come camp with us.”

A Quiet Night In
He was surprised to find that grilled cheese sandwiches were one of her favorite things. Once he had that information, it hadn’t been hard to make sure there was a large platter full of them on the table in front of the television. The sandwiches, plus beer, went along very well with the old movie that was showing this evening. When her eyes closed and she dozed against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He couldn’t remember spending a more perfect night. He dropped a kiss on her hair and let his eyes fall closed.


“Oops? What oops? Connor, oops is never a good word to use when we’re in the middle of trying to apprehend a creature.”

“I know, Stephen, but this oops is because, well, I think I may have misidentified the creature we’re chasing.”

“Misidentified, how, exactly?”

They came around a bend in the road to see Abby and Cutter fighting a creature that looked nothing like the picture Connor had shown him.

“Connor? That’s not a raptor.”


“You said we were tracking a raptor.”

“Uh huh.”

“That’s not even close to a raptor. That’s a bear!”

“Uhm, yeah. Oops?”

This Is Where You Duck
“A bear,” Stephen muttered as he tried to line up a shot that wouldn’t accidentally hit Abby or Cutter. “You misidentified a prehistoric bear as a velociraptor.”

“Oy,” Connor protested. “I only had the prints we found and the bite marks to go by. It’s not like I’ve been doing this a long time or anything.”

“They don’t even stand the same, Connor!” Stephen cursed as his first shot missed and the bear turned to them. The bear threw a piece of a tree at Connor and Stephen shoved him to the ground.

“You need to learn when to duck.”

Chat-up Lines
“You know that had to be one of the worst lines I have ever heard,” Abby laughed, poking at Connor.

“It was true, though, and how many times do you get to say you saved your friend from a dinosaur attack?”

“You shot her with the tranquilizer gun!” Stephen pointed out.

“Well, yes, but she forgave me.”

“There was chocolate involved,” Cutter reminded him. “A great deal of it.”

Jenny just shook her head, laughing at them. “You actually told a girl that she should go out with you because you can protect her from dinosaurs?”

Four people nodded.


This was unexpected. This was also a lot bigger than anything they had dealt with before.

“Abby, what do we do?” Stephen asked when the tranquilizers didn’t work - no matter how many they used.

The look that she gave Stephen was not a reassuring one. “One of us has to get it to go back through the anomaly.”

“And how exactly are we supposed to do that?”

Instead of answering, Abby took off running. The men with her all had their hearts leap into their throats as the T-Rex caught sight of her movement and chased her towards the anomaly.

character : connor temple, character : nick cutter, character : abby maitland, fandom : primeval, character : tom ryan, character : jenny lewis, character : stephen hart

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