Love, Loyalty and Friendship 10/?

Feb 22, 2010 08:52

Title: Love, Loyalty and Friendship 10/?
Author: not_from_stars
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing/Characters: The Cullens (minus Edward)
Rating/Category: PG-13
Summary: But they hadn't kept her safe, had they? They left and she was in more danger after that than any of them could have imagined.
Words: 1,184
Notes: More from my attempt at a Twilight Big Bang story.


It was Alice's turn to keep up the vigil by Bella's bed. She kept a hold of her friend's hand and kept touching her face and smoothing back her hair. Seeing Bella like this broke her heart and not for the first time she was internally cursing herself for not standing up to Edward when he demanded they leave all of those months ago. She had known it was a bad idea, but when she didn't see anything bad in Bella's future happening, she had agreed to it. Anything to keep her best friend and sister safe from attack or bloodshed.

But they hadn't kept her safe, had they? They left and she was in more danger after that than any of them could have imagined.

"Oh Bella," she said softly. "I'm so sorry we left you. If I had known any of this was going to happen, I would have fought harder to stay. I would have stayed even if Edward left, and Jasper would have stayed, too. We never meant to leave you unprotected."

She meant it. If she had seen even the smallest hint that their leaving would have caused Bella to get attacked, she would have put her tiny foot down the night Edward demanded they all leave Bella's life. If she had seen any of this in her visions, she would have stayed in Forks and she knew that Jasper would have, too. Her husband would do anything for her and she knew that he cared about what happened to Bella, too. It was one of the reasons he carried so much guilt about what happened on her birthday.

"Bella, you have to wake up for us, please? I need my best friend back and you need to stop Rosalie from killing the doctors. She doesn't think that they're doing enough to help you." She forced a small laugh. "Yes, you heard me correctly. Rosalie doesn't think the doctors are doing enough to take care of you and she has threatened several of them."

That was another interesting this about this. None of them had ever expected that Rosalie would come around to care for Bella like she did now. However, Alice supposed it made sense being that the blond vampire was that one who had found Bella and had carried her all of this way. Ever since seeing Carlisle working on the human girl, Rosalie had been exhibiting a fierce protectiveness that she had never seen come from her when it didn't concern Emmett. Rosalie was acting more like Bella was her daughter than a sister or just another human that she thought knew too much.

Alice gasped, straightening up.

A daughter. When she had thought those words, a vision had crashed into her mind.

Charlie. He was sitting in the darkened bedroom once belonging to Bella and he was crying. In his hand was a piece of paper that had been crushed in his grip. There was no one else in the room and he just stared at the bed where his daughter usually slept.

Alice brought her free hand to her mouth. Charlie. In all of their worry and fear for Bella and her condition, none of them had thought about Charlie. Bella was his entire life and it had to be killing him that she had been missing for two weeks and he didn't know what had happened to her.

"Oh no," she whispered. They had all been so focused on Bella that Charlie had been forgotten. She stood from her chair and leaned over to kiss Bella's forehead. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I know that you would never want him to be worrying as much as he is right now. I promise, I'll take care of it."

She let go of Bella's hand and headed out to the hallway where the rest of the family -- except for Carlisle -- were waiting. She turned wide eyes on Esme. "Charlie!"

Esme gasped. Of all of them, she was the one who would identify the most with a parent worrying about a child. After all, she worried about all of them incessantly.

"What about him," Emmett demanded. "Did you see something, Alice. Is he okay?"

She went to Jasper's arms and could feel her husband trying to ease her distress with his gift. "He doesn't know where Bella is! He's been worrying about her for the entire time she's been here."

Esme shook her head, looking ashamed. "We need to call him and tell him where Bella is."

"How are we going to explain that she came to be in a hospital in Alaska," Rosalie demanded. "He's a police officer and will immediately think something is suspicious. It's what he's trained to do." She looked at Emmett. "He'll take her from us, back to Forks! She's safer here, with us! We can't exactly tell him that there are werewolves in Forks and one of them mauled his daughter."

Emmett shook his head. "Charlie loves Bella, Rose. She's his only child. We can't not tell him."

"I can call him," Alice said softly, looking at her sister. "If I call him and say that Carlisle was called in because of a special trauma patient that was brought in, he'll believe me. He'll think that Carlisle was at another hospital and was called in on a special case that happened to be Bella and that's why I'm calling him."

"How do we explain what she's doing in Alaska," Rosalie demanded.

"We don't. If I tell him that we're calling him as soon as we found out about Bella, he'll think she was kidnapped and then dumped somewhere. He'll have no reason to think anything else." She looked at Esme, leaving the decision to her mother. "Charlie likes me and trusts Carlisle. If I call him, he's not going to suspect anything."

Esme was quiet for a long moment and then she nodded. "He needs to be told where Bella is and it's not fair to keep this news from him." At Rosalie's sound of protest, she shook her head. "Alice is right in that Charlie trusts Carlisle. Carlisle can explain to him that it's too dangerous for Bella to be moved in her current condition." She looked around at her family. "We know how we would feel if it were any of us. We're better than that and we cannot put another parent through that kind of pain. I won't allow it."

Rosalie sighed and leaned against Emmett. "I don't want him to take her from us," she muttered.

Alice closed her eyes for a long moment and then opened them again. Her eyes were sad, but that had been a constant as of late. "He won't, Rosalie. Esme is right. I see Carlisle talking to him and I see Charlie agreeing. He wants her to stay under Carlisle's care." She shook her head. "Charlie knows that Carlisle will take the best care of Bella possible because he always has."

There was silence in the hall for a long moment and then Jasper spoke up.

"What about Edward?"

love loyalty and friendship, fandom : twilight, character : rosalie hale, character : esme cullen, character : emmett cullen, character : jasper hale, character : alice cullen

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