Listen To Your Heart 1/?

Feb 15, 2010 20:49

Title: Listen To Your Heart 1/?
Author: not_from_stars
Fandom: Fantastic Four, Women of the Otherworld
Pairing/Characters: Johnny Storm/Savannah Levine
Rating/Category: PG-13
Summary: Breaking up is hard to do -- especially when both are still in love.
Words: 885
Notes: This was inspired by Pink's "So What": I'm gonna get in trouble, My ex will start a fight.
Written for: sky_more_blue.

Breaking up with the one you loved was just not something that ever stopped hurting, Savannah decided as she and some friends from school were sitting in the crowded bar.

It had been two months since things had ended between her and Johnny and she still couldn't stop thinking about him. True, she had been the one to end things between them, but it didn't make her stop missing him or love him any less. It also didn't make the nights in her dorm room any less lonely for her.

So when a group of girls from her floor barged into her room and said they were going out on the town for the night, she wasn't able to come up with a quick enough excuse to avoid it.

It had been fun, actually. They went clubbing and dancing for awhile and then headed to this bar that one of her friends always talked about. They fought their way through the crowded bar to get a big enough table and their waiter quickly took their drink order.

She and a few of the girls were sitting at their table drinking tequila shots -- and wasn't that an experience for Savannah -- when another of her friends came and dropped down at their table.

"Oh my god, he's here!" she said happily as Savannah took a shot.


"My future husband."

The other girls rolled their eyes and laughed. She was always finding a new future husband.

"He's gorgeous," the other girl cooed as she and Savannah clinked shot glasses together.

"Does he have a name?" another friend asked as their group downed another round of shots.

"Johnny Storm."

Savannah choked on her tequila and the rest of the table suddenly went quiet.

"What's wrong?"

Savannah's hand only trembled very slightly as she reached for another shot glass from the grouping already on the table. She downed two more before one of their other friends answered.

"Johnny Storm is Savannah's ex..."

The thing about a bar like this with this kind of a crowd, there was guaranteed to be a bar fight at some point before the night was over. That would be why Johnny -- unaware of the conversation and shock going on in another part of the bar -- was sitting at a corner table working on his sixth bottle of beer.

This had been his routine for the last few months. He'd go out, get drunk, and then find a fight to work some of his aggression out on. It wasn't because his girlfriend had broken his heart by ending things between them, not at all. Johnny just enjoyed fighting.

So when he had been drinking his eighth beer and the fight came to him, he was only too happy to get right in the middle of it.

Savannah wasn't sure how she and her friends had ended up in the middle of a bar fight, but there they were. When the fight had broken out, all six girls scrambled to get out of the bar, but the exit was blocked. Trying to keep themselves in a tight group as they fought their way to the door, Savannah cast a spell to shield them, but she hadn't included herself in the spell. When the chair got thrown their direction, she stumbled as part of it clipped her in the head.

"Savannah!" One of her friends reached down to pull her up.

"I'm okay," she reassured her, but she was feeling a little dizzy. "We've got to get out of here before someone gets hurt."

The girls spent the next ten minutes fighting to get to the door, but there were too many people in their way.

"Fuck this shit," Savannah snarled. "Get behind me," she ordered her friends as she picked up a chair. Carefully, so no one would realize what she had done, she added a timed force bolt to the chair and then threw it at the nearest window. As the chair smashed into the glass, the spell went off, shattering the rest of the glass.

"Go," she said, grabbing one of her friends and pushing her towards the now very open, very destroyed window.

"But you're bleeding!"

She hadn't felt it until now, but when she put her hand to her cheek, it came away wet. "It must be from the glass when I broke the window. Now go!"

Her friends weren't fighters and she needed them to get to safety first. After her friends scrambled through the window, Savannah moved to follow them. However, that would be when someone was thrown into her and she was knocked away from the window.

Johnny was in his element.

There was fighting all around him and he was enjoying throwing people away from him with quick punches to the face or to the chest. The more he fought, the better he felt. This was exactly what he had needed in order to blow off some steam.

He turned as he heard a window shatter and watched as a group of girls scrambled through the glass. He was almost positive he recognized the shape of one of them and tried to get a better look. However, when he came up from ducking a punch, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

fandom : women of the otherworld, character : savannah levine, fandom : fantastic four, ship : johnny/savannah, character : johnny storm

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