[WITCHES REIGN] application

Mar 17, 2011 15:28

Name: Khalil
Journal: demitour
Contact: DomesticDemitour (AIM), domesticdemitour @ gmail.com (email)

Character Name: Mayu Amakura
Series: Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 15 in canon, but 16/17 after time spent in the Garden. Pre-Crimson Butterfly ending.
Requested Sponsor: (formerly?) Bloodstone
Entry position: Cadet (special circumstances) / Garden volunteer

History: Wiki links → game and personal The nearly-a-year Mayu spent training as a cadet was fraught with bumps in the road, some stranger than others. She majored in BATT-MED (Battlefield Medicine), wanting to focus her limited abilities on helping others. She was kind, but often withdrawn, not actively seeking interaction with others outside of class hours. After discovery of her unique GF, she avoided it like the plague, never summoning it unless deemed absolutely necessary by emergency or instructors of higher rank. Native-world students who saw the GF gossiped, and rejected teamwork with Mayu thinking her GF was creepy (or even cursed). Her bad leg and weak endurance often posed problems during the more physical classes, and inevitably made it impossible for her to graduate as a SeeD.

Despite being a well-mannered and hard-working student, Mayu has a peculiar record known by the Disciplinary Committee and higher-ups. She has been caught breaking curfew on multiple counts, wandering all over the Garden - even trying to sneak back inside from outdoor locations. During initial questionings she claimed to have severe sleepwalking problems. Headmaster Cid addressed the issue personally after the "sleepwalking" resulted in the attempted assault (strangulation) of another student. Unfortunately, that first time wouldn't be the last.

The Headmaster has made an exception regarding Mayu's dangerous violations of Garden code for classified reasons. She has agreed to supervised volunteer work wherever instructors and staff will allow/want her assistance, usually drifting between locations such as the infirmary, library, and ART 103 (Photography). She is also available for other odd jobs upon request so long as they aren't too physically exerting. After dark, a member of the Disciplinary Committee is supposed to stand guard outside her dorm, but who wants to play prison keeper bodyguard to a creepy off-worlder every night? Mayu's sleepwalking (and assault) incidents have become less frequent since the Headmaster's restrictions were enforced, but every now and then she can still be seen wandering the halls alone, mumbling about returning to a village, or weeping for those she left behind...

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Sixth sense sort of deal, common among main protagonists in the Fatal Frame series. Her sixth sense is more enhanced when close to/in contact with her twin, and out of the entire Amakura family Mayu's is the strongest/most sensitive. It lets her do several cool/awful things:
○ Sense of foreboding around Really Bad Otherworldly Shit
○ Feel and/or see the presence of ghosts invisible to normal people
○ Receive broken impressions when in contact with items/in the presence of locations that contain strong, lingering emotions or memories
○ Susceptibility to emotions and influence of strong spirits (i.e. Sae)

From her cadet training:
○ Basic skill with the blaster edge (mounted on her right arm)
○ Intermediate skill with indirect para-magic
○ Advanced skill with recovery para-magic
○ Experience using practical medicine

Limit Break, Butterfly → What it says on the tin. A cloud of glowing red butterflies appears around Mayu, circling her and party members before floating skyward and fading away. Revives KOed party members and restores up to half of their HP. If not KOed, will still heal. Has no effect if HP is already over the half point. (Can Mayu even have a limit break? If not this can be omitted.)

GF, Sae → Summons a ghostly female in a bloodied white kimono, surrounded by a crimson mist. Cackles hysterically as she rushes forward, hands outstretched as if to grab someone by the throat. Vanishes after passing through enemies, red mist lingering until her damage is done. 50/50 chance of A) causing Silence, Blind, and Confusion on all enemies, or B) instant death of all enemies (minus huge boss-like ones). The red mist from both variations gives the appearance of choking/suffocating enemies, the latter... well, actually doing the job. :(

Though Sae has been converted to a GF, she is still present in a residual way and continues to affect Mayu's everyday life. "Sleepwalking", "sleeptalking", and the off chance she might try to strangle someone unfortunate enough to get too close. Sae can't kill anyone unless willingly summoned in GF form, since it's still Mayu's body. She's so weak, anyone could fend her off and walk away in one piece. Right?

Personality: Mayu is a reserved, shy, and thoughtful young girl, noticeably more introverted when compared to her younger twin sister, Mio. When they're together, Mayu has an easier time expressing herself and coming out of her shell, though the difference isn't too drastic. She doesn't like to draw negative attention to herself, so she is very soft-spoken and tends to hold her tongue rather than giving voice to her thoughts. Intuitive, she catches sight of things that often go unnoticed by others; sometimes she brushes it off or pretends she never saw anything (“Mio... Um, nevermind...”).

She is very attached to her twin (very attached), even more so after her crippling childhood accident; it's an out of the norm bond noted by Kei (their uncle) in Fatal Frame III. Mayu's body is frail. She has little strength and can't be as physically active as most girls her age. Forcing herself to do so much as walk at a quicker pace can cause unnecessary strain on her bad leg. For years, her shortcomings have forced her to heavily dependent on others willing to assist, Mio being the one most prevalent. Physically weak, she depends on Mio a lot throughout Fatal Frame II, often falling far behind while running away from ghosts (and getting frequently attacked by them in the process).

Weak in body, Mayu may also be considered weak in spirit. Both she and Mio have a sixth sense that makes them aware of the spiritual world. She can see and hear ghosts, and also receives vague visions when she touches certain items or enters rooms that contain strong, lingering emotions or memories. Visions appear black and white to her, often accompanied by static-like sounds. Mayu’s sixth sense is a double-edged sword; while more powerful than Mio’s, it also makes her more vulnerable to spirits - an easy target. Mayu is also unable to defend herself when it comes to supernatural forces. Ghosts (like Sae) can use her body as a medium against her will, as she isn't strong enough to deny them access. Back in All God's Village, the presence of malevolent spirits was almost crippling, causing Mayu to freeze up in fear, often leaving her open for an attack, or turning herself into an unwanted obstacle Mio had to move around (or in Khalil's gaming experiences, excellent bait for combo shots).

Mayu’s biggest fear is of being alone (and more specifically, being separated from Mio), resulting in their shared childhood promise of being “together forever”. The mere thought of being left behind would always cause the girl much distress and desperation to prevent it.

To put it one way, Mayu's love and loyalty are... complex. From simple things like slowing down while walking, to the grave Crimson Sacrifice Ritual, when she was alive Mayu used Mio's guilt over her childhood accident to make her sister do whatever she wanted. Though loving, she was still selfish when it came to her sister's time and attention. Mayu was surreptitiously manipulative, doing anything necessary to keep Mio's attention all to herself. A part of Mayu was secretly overjoyed whenever she felt her leg aching (another tidbit revealed during the final fight on Hard or Nightmare mode), because it meant Mio would stay close and pay her extra care.

What are your plans for the character in-game? Poke around the game with someone that's outside of the normal cadet/SeeD/instructor lineup. Rework an old muse and see if I can make her stick.

Anything else? The Disciplinary Committee is urged to escort Mayu back to her dorm should she be caught breaking curfew in the future. Address from a safe distance; approach with caution if no response given. An alternate method would be to just follow/supervise her from a safe distance to make sure she doesn't wander outside or into the training area. Members of the Committee have authorization to restrain Mayu or use force for the purpose of self-defense. Each incident is to be recorded, but not (severely) punished, as confidential arrangements for such have already been made.

Not entirely sure who else would be aware of her possession and past history aside from Headmaster Cid. Maybe Squall?

○ Thread Link → old thing, another old thing

○ IC Questionnaire:
What do you prefer to be known as? Miss Amakura would be fine. My friends go by Mayu.
How old are you? I'm fifteen years old, sir.

Do you have any history in combat? [slightly alarmed as well as puzzled] No, of course not.
If so, have you ever killed? [boy is she glad she gets to skip this part]

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? If it's too all of a sudden or too quick, I get... nervous. [fiddling with the hem of her dress] I don't like getting left behind or not knowing what I have to do to help out.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? Not really...

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? I like to stay in the background, if others will let me. I'll still help, of course.

iv) How talkative are you around other people? [shy smile] Not very. My sister usually does most of the talking.

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. My twin sister, Mio. Would a person count? Nevermind, maybe not... A first aid kit, a flashlight, and... a camera, I suppose. A special one that Mio carries around. It's... useful. The flashlight would help at night, and the first aid kit would be around just in case.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? Um... yes.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? ...I don't know. [looks down for a moment]

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? No, not at all.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? I don't think so. It's good most of the time; helps to keep you organized.

x) Do you like surprises? Nice ones, I guess. I don't like things that pop out of nowhere. [shifting slightly in her seat]

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? Um... sometimes. [small, hesitant smile]

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? Not smarter, but... sometimes adults will say things I don't agree with. If it's uncle Kei, I'll talk to him. [If she doesn't get Mio to do it for her.]

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? Cabbages? They're... versatile in cooking? I use them sometimes.

! witchesreign

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