Dec 16, 2007 22:50
Though it is not my own, I've finally found a suitable sword at one of the shops. The local Filial are kind people... It's a shame that the Malnosso use them for their own twisted desires.
I have heard rumors of a winter festival being planned. I have had experience in planning large events and parties, though it was only for invitational purposes. I doubt I'll be of much help with decorating, though I will lend my hand if needed. I fully support the idea myself.
Though I can't do such a thing with such a worn out look on my face. I've been unable to sleep for the most part; thoughts of what may happen keep me from doing so. If I take my eyes off of my king for just a moment...
I won't let harm come to him again. By my life, I swear it.
((ooc: Mood shows as "content"))
must protect my king,
sleepy soldier is sleepy,
winter festival,
sword get!