.: Fic Request Post :.
I'm willing to write almost anything in these fandoms:
- One Direction
- McFly
- Pokemon
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Final Fantasy IX, X, XII, XIII
- Harry Potter
- Super Junior
- SNSD/Girls' Generation
- Queer As Folk
Lengths can vary from drabbles, standalones, long standalones, and chaptered (only if you're willing to shoot me ideas on how you want the fic to go and help me from time to time with plotholes and general questions). Ratings-wise, I tend to stay away from NC-17, but if the premise intrigues me, I'll give it a shot. As far as pairings go, I do slash and hetero, and I can most definitely try character studies. Warnings include character death, self-harm, domestic violence, etc.
Just fill out this form and give me a few days/weeks and I'll fill your request. :)
Fandom: Pairing: Rating: Prompt: Warnings: Comments: