Yes, these things are old, and yes I lifted it out of your journal Missy, but who cares? Just shut up and answer it in replies. ~grins
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1. Who are you? Cymoril,no I am Missy, no your cymoril, no I am Missy, no your Dulci...LOL sorry am in a silly and moody mood..Everyone knew me as Cymoril for the longest time til you and Jas, Cin opened me up some. I am Missy nuf said.
2. Are we friends? I sure as hell would hope so babes, been through alot you and I..You always seem to be hiding in the shadows know and when I trusted in the wrong people you saw me through. You even tried to warn me and I didnt listen, you can say I told you so when your ready ~winks~
3. When and how did we meet? RDI, Netcentral I always loved watching you play it seems we admired each other from afar for awhile, then you tossed Cymoril into yours and Sylvia's madness, and I loved every moment of it. Then you raped cymoril and made us all cry, and pissed off a malkie dude what were you thinking LOL..Yet always like me we loved a good adventure, can't wait to roleplay with you again. I cant wait til your home safe my friend..
4. How have I affected you? You always make me look into myself force me to look at myself and lead me back to where I belong, your one of the ones that kick my ass, and will let me get away with kicking my own ass, but you would be there when I was done being stupid ~hugs~
5. What do you think of me? I think you are one of a kind,very honest very loving if you let someone in, but then you can turn around and push them away,pull them back in, so theres a song by judas priest that came to mind turning circles....LOL..I think most of all I have loved watching you grow up and you have grown into one hell of a great guy babes, a bit twisted but I like bad am to old and very married..~winks~
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? to few to mention LOL kidding..see never let me do these when the voices within are argueing, can't you hear them to? LOL...nah there are lots of good times, bad times..I would say through the years all my time spent with you rping just chatting, we have laughed, cried together..Those bitches there loss babes ~hugs~ LOL
7. How long do you think we will be friends?Eternity
8. Do you love me? but of course
9. Do you have a crush on me? takes the 5th...
10. Would you kiss me?Yes, but only if Ed would let me, of course it would be platonic right ~shrugs and giggles~ ( first part stolen from cin, just changed name of husband to match who am married to hehe )
11. Would you have sex with me? If I wasn't married and wasn't so old..
12. Physically, what stands out? Your eyes I love the soul within, and arms ~grins~
13. Emotionally, what stands out? Your heart, you have so much love within
14. Do you wish I was cooler?Dude is it cool in hell? Since when did we care what others fucking thought? sides I don't want to add to that ego ~giggles~
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? off the scale baby
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Jesse Baby, cause it seems to be what I call you naturally, perhaps inspired by that concrete blonde song Joey...You know me and music I am inspired by music and my muses and you have always been one of the few that brings out the best roleplayin in me, you don't allow me double up much i been doing better at not multitasking to much..
17. Am I loveable? very
18. How long have you known me? 8 years in February when I first walked into RDI
19. Describe me in one word. Fuckable
20. What was your first impression? Caring, I mean you always pmed me in rdi and warned me I was getting to close to my char, tried to make sure i didnt get so addicted I lost who i was an let the character take over, btw it happened and I understand what you wer saying wont ever happen again..
2. Are we friends? I sure as hell would hope so babes, been through alot you and I..You always seem to be hiding in the shadows know and when I trusted in the wrong people you saw me through. You even tried to warn me and I didnt listen, you can say I told you so when your ready ~winks~
3. When and how did we meet? RDI, Netcentral I always loved watching you play it seems we admired each other from afar for awhile, then you tossed Cymoril into yours and Sylvia's madness, and I loved every moment of it. Then you raped cymoril and made us all cry, and pissed off a malkie dude what were you thinking LOL..Yet always like me we loved a good adventure, can't wait to roleplay with you again. I cant wait til your home safe my friend..
4. How have I affected you? You always make me look into myself force me to look at myself and lead me back to where I belong, your one of the ones that kick my ass, and will let me get away with kicking my own ass, but you would be there when I was done being stupid ~hugs~
5. What do you think of me? I think you are one of a kind,very honest very loving if you let someone in, but then you can turn around and push them away,pull them back in, so theres a song by judas priest that came to mind turning circles....LOL..I think most of all I have loved watching you grow up and you have grown into one hell of a great guy babes, a bit twisted but I like bad am to old and very married..~winks~
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? to few to mention LOL kidding..see never let me do these when the voices within are argueing, can't you hear them to? LOL...nah there are lots of good times, bad times..I would say through the years all my time spent with you rping just chatting, we have laughed, cried together..Those bitches there loss babes ~hugs~ LOL
7. How long do you think we will be friends?Eternity
8. Do you love me? but of course
9. Do you have a crush on me? takes the 5th...
10. Would you kiss me?Yes, but only if Ed would let me, of course it would be platonic right ~shrugs and giggles~ ( first part stolen from cin, just changed name of husband to match who am married to hehe )
11. Would you have sex with me? If I wasn't married and wasn't so old..
12. Physically, what stands out? Your eyes I love the soul within, and arms ~grins~
13. Emotionally, what stands out? Your heart, you have so much love within
14. Do you wish I was cooler?Dude is it cool in hell? Since when did we care what others fucking thought? sides I don't want to add to that ego ~giggles~
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? off the scale baby
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Jesse Baby, cause it seems to be what I call you naturally, perhaps inspired by that concrete blonde song Joey...You know me and music I am inspired by music and my muses and you have always been one of the few that brings out the best roleplayin in me, you don't allow me double up much i been doing better at not multitasking to much..
17. Am I loveable? very
18. How long have you known me? 8 years in February when I first walked into RDI
19. Describe me in one word. Fuckable
20. What was your first impression? Caring, I mean you always pmed me in rdi and warned me I was getting to close to my char, tried to make sure i didnt get so addicted I lost who i was an let the character take over, btw it happened and I understand what you wer saying wont ever happen again..
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