Yippie yippie yum yum. ;)

Jul 19, 2005 00:11

Heather came to my house around 7 & we talked about everything. She told me she made the decision she made the other night because she's been really scared about me moving & didn't know how to take it all in. & she was too scared to talk to me about it all because she know's I'm already uspet about leaving. We worked everything out & we're back together. I made her promise me that if she had any more problems that instead of keeping it all in she would start telling me everything.

We went out to eat & Jess ended up coming there for a little bit to see if I was staying with her. My cousin came in there & told me she had 3 people who wanted me to draw them up some tattoos or even give them to them, .. so I took her number & email I'll write her later.

After that we rode around.. & we almost died like 5 times & I'm not even kidding. Heather ran two red lights completely on accident, .. which I still don't understand, .. & we almost got side swiped each time. Then after that a tractor trailer pulls out nearly inches away from us. Then she almost knocks her front bumber completely off. After that we're riding around & I have my arm out the window & I happen to look up & there are like 13 mail boxes inches away from my hand. I'm yelling @ her to turn & she heard me right on time. After that we're talking & I happen to glance to the right & I see this huge brown thing over top the mirror on the door & coming right for the car, ... I don't know why .. maybe because Heather had scared the fuck out of me all night.. but I screamed, .. which made Heather scream.. which made her hit her brakes & the dog that was running in front of the car run the opposite way. That dog was huge & Heather though it was a deer. I'm sure that entire neighboor hood was posotive someone was getting murdered, .. Heather's scream lasted for like 80,000 minutes & was the loudest thing ever. After that she dropped me & off @ Jess' & I made her swear to me she would be extra careful on the way home. She called me when she got home, told me she loved me, .. & went to bed.

So, .. there's a lot of worries off of me & I feel a lot better. I'm just really glad that we worked everything out. <3

I have a lot of things running through my head, .. & it started around 4:35 today. Tis all.

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