May 04, 2005 02:38
I just finished watching "I, Robot" & I actually really enjoyed it. I've been in the mood to watch movies lately, .. hopefully if all goes well the movie night that was planned for last week will happen this weekend. Everybody messed up & said they were in the mood to watch old horror films, now honestly who says that in front of me & expects it not to happen?
Anyways, the other night if I could take out the bad parts, .. it ended perfect. Heather ended up staying the night & I got to fall to sleep & wake up right beside her. I'm so proud of her, .. she has no idea.
Very shortly things will be back to the way they were, .. & everything will be perfect. I have confidence in her & know after these few days she wouldn't do anything to let me down.
On to something else, I really want to see House of Wax, no, not just because my wife Paris Hilton is in it, .. but because I'm really hoping it's going to be good.
I'm really bored, .. so expect like a survey or something before I end up getting off here. I have to finish downloading this program & because I have dial-up, it's only on 53% & I started it around 11. I wonder what time I'll actually be going to bed? Hm.
Earlier today I had to restore the computer, .. I lost everything. Eh, it'll be okay I'm sure.
I lost my chapstick. :-/
Speaking of chapstick, lol, Rosa's coming back in a few days which I am more than excited for.
I forgot how much I liked the Freddy Vs Jason soundtrack.
I'm in a random mood.
I talked to Autumn earlier & she helped me out with a certain situation that was driving me insane earlier. She made me realize that I focus way too much on things that shouldn't matter to me at all because all that I should focus on is what I already have & what makes me happy. She's leaving soon for like 5 months, .. it's not something I'm looking foward to. :-/
I need to go see my grandma again, I miss her really bad. & I need to take the rest of the pictures on the camera I got for Easter, I keep forgetting I have it. O_o I think there might be pictures of me & Heyyeur on there. Ah. <333
Well, I'm tired of writing as of now, .. maybe another update while I'm waiting on this later, .. haha. Mayyybe.