I posted this on my blog, but I gotta post it here, too.
Take a look at the following DVD covers for Eternal Summer. The one on the left is the original Taiwanese version, while the one on the right is the American version released by North American distributor Picture This! Entertainment. Notice anything weird?
Who's the idiot who decided that Bryant Chang's and Joseph Chang's perfectly delectable Asian chests and arms needed to be sized up to Western standards? As if people aren't going to notice the glaring difference when they watch the movie and find, in the scenes in which the two guys go shirtless, that the Ken doll torsos featured on the cover are nowhere to be found in the actual film. I realize that it's a marketing tactic to entice consumers used to buff bodies into buying the DVD, but... what the hell? I'm surprised Kate Yeung didn't get a boob job!
The colors in the heavily-chopped American version also makes the three leads look like drowning victims. Sad... :|