Dec 16, 2005 12:01
A friend of a friend works in in a middle school as a guidance counselor and had to face a situation brought to her attention by a 6th grade student who walked in on her teacher preforming oral sex on another teacher. What pisses me off most is that after one teacher admitted to the act to the principal during a meeting, the end result is that it's the student's word against that of the two teachers and no action has been taken. Both teachers continue to work and I suppose the lesson learned by the student is that it's okay to behave in such a way. For the past few years there have been numerous reports of students being caught in the act and suffering the consequence of suspension...I am not sure to what extent these two teachers should be punished but doing nothing just seems morally wrong. They know that they are in an environment filled with youth and are suppose to act in a manner that sets a positive role for the minds that they are molding. If I were the parent I would want both teachers dispelled from teaching at my child's school. No matter how hot and horny you get you are supposed to know better than to get busy on school grounds, while children are still present and worse yet not even have the common sense to lock your damn classroom door. I am truly disgusted about this matter and it is not even my child (hell I do not have children). My friend's friend said that he was very difficult for the student to even report what she had witnessed because her parents raised her not to use certain terminology and during the conversation she was so embarrassed and uncomfortable. To think that things will just go on as if it had never happened and that that young girl now has to feel as if telling the truth is pointless and that she is being accused of telling a lie (per those who were engaged in the sexual act) is very troubling to be.
Not only are children acting and misbehaving here is a case were the staff/adults are too and not be held accountable for their wrong doing.
Does anyone else have a problem with this? Or am I trippin?