Dec 10, 2004 17:43
I got another e-mail this morning from my soldier!!! Three to four months do not seem that far away. I am sorry that my honey and I have to be apart for the holidays but I am more thankful that though apart we are together in spirit and in love. I have sent lots of goodies his way thus far and tried my hand at baking cookies to mail out tomorrow. Let me just say Betty Crocker I am not. LOL I baked two varieties from scratch this afternoon and luckily the chocolate ones came out great-but they same cannot be said for the sugar cookies, those are scary!!!
Many of the things that he wrote in his letter touched my heart so deeply and assured me of the true reason that he fell in love with me from the start. I am not the easiest person to get along with but he and I have always clicked well over the years as friends and all of our common interests made for so many creative dates and fun times. I just want to spend many more days and nights cuddled with him.
Being in love is so GREAT!!
It is so hard to stop starring at my ring, I feel silly!! SMILE But I just love it that much.
On another note, my locs are looking lovely as every and growing beautifully. This was one of the best personal decisions of my life!