(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 14:22

Okay people.  You know what the SGA fandom needs?  A radio station au.  Like where John is a DJ and gets to host the early morning show after some scandal kills Sumner's career.  And his co-dj guy was Ford, but then he started getting in to meth and shit, so his voice started to go and he had to be replaced.  And Elizabeth is the producer, and they have a slightly acrimonious relationship with the big bosses at Stargate Corporation because they're station is a little offbeat, but they have enough listeners so it's okay. And Rodney is the tech guy who watches John swing his legs up onto the table in the soundroom, and he has to watch his mouth that closely, okay, to make sure he can adjust the mike.   And Teyla does weather and traffic, and she and John always kinda flirt a little, on air, but really John leans too close to the mike on purpose so Rodney will come in and tug on his shoulders to move his head back.  

sga fic-the gay isn't just a space craze

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