99:99:99, [any and all]: GENERIC DRABBLE REQUEST MEME!

Mar 05, 2007 00:59

Un-friends-locked for your convenience!

I'm sure most of you who have wandered to this post are familiar with the concept a drabble meme, but for those who aren't, an explanation! Basically, you reply to this post with a comment below stating a fandom, pairing, and a single word or phrase to act as a writing prompt, and in the next reply to you, I write a brief 200-300 word mini-fic in response!

The best part is, you totally don't have to do anything for me in return! Most authors start a request meme because they're feeling blocked literally, and want some pairings or prompts tossed their way to get their fingers moving. I'm no different; I really want some nice, easy requests to work on while I've got the day off tomorrow, in the hopes that my writer's block will start to go away.

I've cross-posted this to two communities, talesoftheabyss and kingdom_hearts, because those are the fandoms I really feel like writing for. For those of you on either my personal f-list or eternally_sky's member list, feel free to request your usuals. XD Let's see if I can actually do them this time.

The very few rules I've set up are as follows!

-I'll write anything from het to yuri to yaoi to, like...bestiality/metaphysical porn/etc., as long as the prompt is something I can work with. I like rare pairings, but I'm no good at crack. Same goes for the more "canon"-oriented pairings, too. A prompt like, "banana-flavored candy cane!" will probably get little more out of me than a "O.o" emoticon. ^^;;

-If you're picky, PLEASE leave a requested rating for me with your prompts. I don't want to scare the crap out of someone by writing the hardcore XXX when all they wanted was a nice cute smooch. Same for genre. If you want happy, say you want happy. Same for MIND-BLOWING MELANCHOLY. I reiterate: if you're picky, be specific. I won't get mad. Promise.

-If I feel like I'm getting swamped, I reserve the right to refuse requests. If that's the case, I'll put an edit message up on this post so people who stumble across it a little late in the game won't get their hopes dashed when I say I'm not doing anymore. I'll try to go as long as I can, though.

Anyway, enough of this "rules" crap! Start requesting! ^___^ Make my lonely inbox happy!

[EDIT]: As of 10:30 AM or so EST on March 7th, this post is now CLOSED. I've gotten 15 responses to this; that's more than enough for me to work on for today, sorry. ^^;; I won't block comments on this entry, because I've still got to WRITE the drabbles, and hey, if you REALLY want to give me a drabble prompt, feel free to put it in the space below, it's just, I'm not guaranteeing anything after this first fifteen. To the first fifteen who comment, I WILL write your drabbles, come hell or high water, but to anyone after that, it's kind of going to be by chance, or how awesome of a prompt you give me. I'm just saying, don't be disappointed if I never get back to you. D:

lori is teh stupid, self-torture, why do i do this to myself???, god i'm never going to finish this, masochism

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