Dec 22, 2005 18:41
OKay so...kinda pissed off that my friends all of a sudden have "secret xanga" when it's really not so secret. So I'm here, to spill my guts to you guys, becuase you guys will never tell me to shut up, you guys won't argue with what i say so anyways here I go....
1.) I am so jealous of my friends kat, austyn, patience and kelsey. Oh my god. you cannot belive how jealous i am of them they are all so freaking pretty and here i am, hanging out wiff them, but i'm all ugly and it get's on my nerves, plus they all have some kick ass personality's and it sucks for me.
Kat~ Is so beautiful. She is a music freak. She is one of the coolest people i know and I'm so freaking jealous of her. She gets teased but it makes her stronger, but, for me, I always cry and tear myself inside when someone calls me ugly.
Austyn~ Probably the prettiest of the 4. She is so pretty, I'm just wayy to jealous of her. She has no flaws, I mean, she even looks good in braces! She doesn't have acne, she doesn't have a weird shaped nose, she doesn't have funny feet she's just, perfect! And I always want to tell her "Your beautiful" but i dont want her to think I'm all, lesbianish, even tho I'm not. And she listen's to the coolest music.
Patience~ My emo friend. OHMIGAWSH i love her sooooo much. She is so pretty, and one of the coolest people I know. She cuts, and has the freakiest dreams. When I talk to her in person, me and her are cool, but i'm always afraid to talk to her on the computer bcuz she always gets pissed at me.
Kelsey~ whoah Kelsey. I've always secretly hated her. She is so freaking pretty and it get;s on my nerves. I especially always hated her when me and daniel were going out. He would always flirt with her, right infront of me and I couldn't stand it. She was pretty, and nice and she stole my bf.
2.) Okay, i "love" BLake and all, but he is such a fucking poser sometimes! and it gets on my last fucking nerves! and he wants to be gothic! wth? you can't want to be gothic! that just proves how much of a bigger poser you are! and he's so effing annoying. "iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou" GAWD. ugh, fuck off! and you know what? I still like Daniel! Yup, I said it, I still like Daniel!
3.) I absolutly HATE it when people call me gothic. They just need to fuck themselves becuase they have no fucking life. ASfter I reapedatly tell them i'm not gothic they go and call me gothic, I know I'm a fucking freak but you dont need to tell me. I realize I wear Black every single fucking day and i listen to music thats not RAP AND COUNTRY. I listen to ROCK MUSIC. I know I've CHANGED since last year. I dont listen to RAP. I'm not TRYING to be a slut. I dont carw IF MY OUTFIT MATCHES. so FUCK OFF OR DIE. KTHXBAI.
&&;; I realize no one will read this....even tho I'm in need of any advice or sympathy from you guys. I've tried to make my posts short so you guys can comment on them. But...I really needed to say this....